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This battle was one of the most obstinate and well-contested throughout the war, and the greatest credit is due to the British, who drove the enemy, three times their own number, from the ground chosen by them and admirably adapted to their mode of warfare. The loss, as might have been expected, was heavy, amounting to 93 killed and 413 wounded nearly a third of the force engaged.

The Magyars hold 405 seats instead of 210 in the parliament of Budapest out of the total number of 413, while the non-Magyars, entitled according to their numbers to 203 seats, have in reality only five representatives in the "democratic" parliament of Budapest. All the above calculations are based upon official statistics which are grossly exaggerated in favour of the Germans and Magyars.

THOMAS COOPER, late President of the College of South Carolina, in a note to his edition of the "Institutes of Justinian" page 413, says, A South Carolina slaveholder, whose name is with the executive committee of the Am. A.S. Society, says, in a letter, dated April 4, 1838: I speak from experience, and oh! my desire is to be delivered from it."

He opened the book again at the beginning, and let the pages slip across beneath his thumb from cover to cover; 413 was marked on the top corner of the last; 413 pages actually written and printed and published; all consecutive too; something new on each page. He turned to a porter. 'How long have I before the train starts? 'Five minutes, sir. 'Where is the telegraph office?

We heartily commend this book to the notice of our readers to all who prize physical culture, health, and symmetrical education. We hope it may find its way into our schools and families. LIGHT ON SHADOWED PATHS. By T. S. ARTHUR, Author of 'Ten Nights in a Bar Room, 'Steps toward Heaven, 'Golden Grain, etc. New York: Carleton, publisher, 413 Broadway.

Spiritual morality is the result of a life from the Lord according to the truths of the Word, 293. MULTIPLICABLE. Every thing is multiplicable in infinitum, 185. MUNIFICENCE is one of those virtues which have respect to life, and enter into it, 164. MUSES, nine, or virgins represent knowledges and sciences of every kind, 182. NAKEDNESS signifies innocence, 413.

The kingdom of Burgundy, in the days of the Princess Clotilda, was a large tract of country now embraced by Southern France and Western Switzerland. It had been given over by the Romans to the Goths, who had invaded it in the year 413.

Where a Lord Mayor elect refuses to serve, he is liable to be fined; and if a person chosen sheriff refuses to serve, he is fined 413 pounds 6s. 8d., unless he makes oath he is not worth 10,000 pounds. When the alderman of any ward dies, another is within a few days elected in his room, at a wardmote held for that purpose, at which the Lord Mayor usually presides.

Specimen caught in a net, December, 1841. No. 25. SILLAGO. Native name, MURDAR. "Rock whiting" of the settlers. "Rays, D. 10-23; A. 18; P. 13; A. 5." Inhabits rocky shores and deep water. Caught by the seine, 3rd April, 1841. Good eating. No. 11. SILLAGO PUNCTATA, C. et V 3, P. 413. Native name MURDAR. "Common whiting" of the settlers. "Rays, D. 12, 1-26; A. 22; P. 11; V. 5."

It is a huge treatise in twenty-two books, begun in the year 413, and finished in 426, and was given to the public in sections as these were completed. The fall of Rome by Alaric's invasion in 410 had been ascribed to the desertion of the old gods of Rome and to the wide extension of Christianity, or the City of God, throughout the empire.