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I am a king, and can procure them for you at your pleasure; and what will certainly never happen to you in respect of your enemies, I will cease to persecute you as soon as you cease to take a pride in being persecuted. Your good friend, FREDERICK." Corr., iv. 313, 343, 388, 398. Ib. 395. Ib. 389, etc. Ib. 384. Ib. 343, 344, 387, etc. Corr., iv. 346. Ib. 390.

Munro, in his Prehistoric Scotland p. 389 writes of the brochs as follows: "Some four hundred might have been seen conspicuously dotting the more fertile lands along the shores and straths of the counties of Caithness, Sutherland, Ross, Inverness, Argyll, the islands of Orkney, Shetland, Bute, and some of the Hebrides.

"I say, Sir Mungo," repeated Nigel, "and beg you to understand my words, that I am unconscious of any error, save that of having arms on my person when I chanced to approach that of my Sovereign." "Ye are right, my lord, to acknowledge nothing," said Sir Mungo. "We have an old proverb, Confess, and so forth. WILSON'S Life and Reign of James VI., apud KENNET'S History of England, vol. ii. p. 389.

The females were ordered away, and the Abbot was appointed to remain in his monastery for fifteen days for penance, until the story had ceased to circulate. I was an eyewitness of that myself, when I was in the Monastery of St. Michael in the wood." Emeline's Letters, pp. 387, 388, 389.

Florida, 59,600 square miles, was purchased from Spain for 5 millions of dollars; Texas, 389,000 square miles was annexed in 1845; the Oregon Country, 285,000 square miles, was secured by treaty in 1846; New Mexico and California, 529,000 square miles, were ceded by Spain and a payment of 15 millions was made by the United States; in 1853 the Gadsen Purchase added 30,000 square miles at a cost of ten millions of dollars.

These were the Gauls, barbarian tribes from the region now known as France, who had long before crossed the Alps and made themselves lords of much of Northern Italy. Just when this took place we do not know, but about the time with which we are now concerned they pushed farther south, overthrew the Etruscans, and in the year 389 B.C. crossed the Apennines and penetrated into Central Italy.

So far as the understanding favors evils, so far a man appropriates them to himself, and makes them his own, 489. See Hereditary. EXTENSION cannot be predicated of things spiritual, 158. The reason why, 389. EXTERNALS derive from their internals their good or evil, 478. Of the external derived from the internal, and of the external separate from the internal, 148.

He makes one important admission in regard to witchcraft; namely, that the confessions of witches might sometimes be the result of "a Deep Melancholy, or some Terrour that they may have been under." Works, ed. of 1835-1836, IV, 389. For Boyle's opinions see also Webster, Displaying of Supposed Witchcraft, 248. He says also: "For my part I am ... somewhat cotive of belief.

The total amount of the funds of this Institution spent on the circulation of the Holy Scriptures, from March 5, 1834, to May 26, 1855, is £3,389, 10s. 1d. The amount spent during this year, £476, 12s. 3d. During this year there was spent of the funds of the Institution, for missionary objects, the sum of £2,081, 3s. 2d.

The competing American Pacific mail line under the act of March 3, 1891, receives only $6,389 per round trip. Efforts have been making within the last year, as I am informed, to establish under similar conditions a line between Vancouver and some Australian port, with a view of seizing there a trade in which we have had a large interest.