United States or Chad ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

It was not distinguishable in principle from a private donation, vested in private trustees, for a public charity, or for a particular purpose of beneficence. And the state itself, if it had bestowed funds upon a charity of the same nature, could not resume those funds." See chapter vi., on judicial power in America. See Kent's Commentaries, vol. i., p. 387.

A quarter of a million sterling was guaranteed in the room before the Council separated; by the end of a week it had grown to £387,000; and before the 1st of January, 1914, the total amount of the Indemnity Guarantee Fund was £1,043,816. It gave Carson and the other leaders the greatest possible satisfaction that the response to this appeal was so prompt and adequate.

Let us first consider how far any real relief was contained in that part of the legislation of 387 which bore upon the question. That the enactment in favour of the free day-labourers could not possibly accomplish its object namely, to check the system of farming on a large scale and by means of slaves, and to secure to the free proletarians at least a share of work is self-evident.

This disgraceful peace, called the PEACE OF ANTALCIDAS, was concluded in the year B.C. 387. By it Greece seemed prostrated at the feet of the barbarians; for its very terms, engraven on stone and set up in the sanctuaries of Greece, recognised the Persian king as the arbiter of her destinies.

Experiments made in Sweden show that, out of 575 plants, the goat eats 449, and refuses 126; the sheep, out of 528 plants, eats 387, and refuses 141; the cow, out of 494 plants, eats 276, and refuses 218; the horse, out of 474 plants, eats 262, and refuses 212; whilst the pig, out of 243 plants, eats 72, and refuses 171.

Originally limited to one day, the festival was prolonged by an additional day after the happy termination of each of the three great revolutions of 245, 260, and 387, and thus at the close of this period it had already a duration of four days.

The Colonization Society has been busily engaged all this while in conveying the slaves to Africa; in other words, abolishing slavery. In this very charitable occupation it has carried away of manumitted slaves 613 Balance against the society . . . . 549,387! But enough of its abolition tendency. What has it done for amelioration?

Corr., 1865, Part III; also H. Ex. Doc. No. 93, Thirty-ninth Cong., First Sess. H. Ex. Doc. No. 93, p. 42, Thirty-ninth Cong., First Sess. Ibid. Wharton's Digest, Sec. 58, Vol. I, p. 328. Dipl. Corr., 1866, Part I, p. 387. H. Ex. Doc. No. 30, Fortieth Cong., First Sess. Dipl. Corr., 1866, Part III. Dipl. Corr., 1866, Part III. Sen. Ex. Doc. No. 20, Fortieth Cong., First Sess.

The spoils of Bull Run were large; 1500 prisoners, 25 guns, ten stand of colours, several thousand rifles, a large quantity of ammunition and hospital stores, twenty-six waggons, and several ambulances were left in the victors' hands. The Federal losses were 460 killed and 1124 wounded; the Confederate, 387 killed, 1582 wounded, and 13 missing.

Crawfurd, who resided a long time in the Indian Archipelago, calculates that an English acre could contain four hundred and thirty-five sago-trees, which would yield one hundred and twenty thousand five hundred pounds avoirdupois of fecula, or more than eight thousand pounds yearly. History of the Indian Archipelago volume 1 pages 387 and 393.