United States or Egypt ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

Narses did not long continue on the throne after the conclusion of this disgraceful, though, it may be, necessary, treaty. It was made in A.D. 297. He abdicated in A.D. 301. It may have been disgust at his ill-success, it may have been mere weariness of absolute power, which caused him to descend from his high position and retire into private life.

M.F. 301, instead of sending such telegrams reporting operations, privately to Earl Kitchener, will you please send them to the Secretary of State. A separate telegram might have been sent dealing with the latter part about Doran." May the devil fly away with me if I know what that means! Braithwaite is as much at a loss as myself.

With a Preface by A. Herzen. Translated from the French. New York. D. Appleton & Co. 12mo. pp. 301. $1.00. The Poetical Works of Edgar Allan Poe. With an Original Memoir. New York. Redfield. 18mo. pp 278. 75 cts. Aguecheek. Boston. Shepard, Clark, & Brown. 12mo. pp. 336. $1.00. The Three Eras of Woman's Life. A Novel. By Eliza Elton Smith. Boston. T.O.H.P. Burnham. 12mo. pp. 322. $1.00.

The only time he could afford a doctor was for his post-mortem examination. Total $301 00 Here you see a deficit of fifty-one dollars. As there are no "stealings" in a theological seminary, he makes up the balance by selling books or teaching school.

But Judaea was wrested from Ptolemy Lagus by Antigonus, and again recovered by Ptolemy after the battle of Ipsus, in 301 B.C. Under Ptolemy Egypt became a powerful kingdom, and still more so under his son Philadelphus, who made Alexandria the second capital of the world, commercially, indeed, the first.

The President is tripped up by his generals, who for the most part seem to have no heart in their work." Id., p.301. Mr. Cutler himself expresses similar sentiments and reiterates: "It really seems as if the ship of state was going to pieces in the storm." "How striking the want of a leader. The nation is without a head."

The woman ought to consult her parents, or those who are in the place of parents, and then deliberate with herself before she consents, n. 298, 299. After a declaration of consent, pledges are to be given, n. 300. Consent is to be secured and established by solemn betrothing, n. 301. By betrothing, each party is prepared for conjugial love, n. 302.

From 1830 to 1880 the world consumed by melting down plate, etc., 4230 tons of silver more than it mined. From 1800 to 1870 the value of gold was about 15 1/2 times that of silver. From 1870 to 1880 it was 167 times the value of silver and now exceeds it over twenty times. In 1700 the world had 301 million pounds of money; in 1800, 568 million pounds; and in 1860, 1180 million pounds sterling.

For innocent mirth and agreeable raillery I never knew his match....He took much to the company of the younger clergy, not from a wish to bring them over to his opinions, for he never attempted to overturn any man's principles, but they best understood his notions, and could furnish him with literary conversation. No doubt they were destroyed with Boswell's other papers. Ante, iii.301, note 1.

At the first glance, one is tempted to believe that the sea lately reached the base of these mountains, and upon examination, this view, at least with respect to the inferior parts of the border, is found to be perfectly correct. Several authors have described masses of upraised coral- rock round the greater part of the circumference of the island. Misc." volume 2 page 301.