United States or Trinidad and Tobago ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

New England: families, 2, 3, 5; Peter Bulkeley's coming, 6; clerical virtues, 9; Church, 14; literary sky, 33; domestic service, 34, 35; two centres, 52; an ideal town, 70, 71; the Delphi, 72; Carlyle invited, 83; anniversaries, 84; town records, 85; Genesis, 102; effect of Nature, 106; boys and girls, 163; Massachusetts, Connecticut River, 172; lyceums, 192; melancholy, 216; New Englanders and Old, 220; meaning of a word, 296, 297; eyes, 325; life, 325, 335; birthright, 364; a thorough New Englander, 406; Puritan, 409; theologians, 410; Jesus wandering in, 419.

On January 1st, 1833 the entire public debt of the United States, funded and unfunded, will be reduced to within a fraction of $7,000,000, of which $2,227,363 are not of right redeemable until January 1st, 1834 and $4,735,296 not until January 2d, 1835.

Lectures and Biographical Sketches, 128, 295, 296, 347. Letters and Social Aims, 210, 283, 284, 296. May-day and Other Pieces, 161, 192, 224, 242, 257, 310, 318, 346. Memoir of Margaret Fuller, 209. Miscellanies, 302, 303. Nature, Addresses, and Lectures, 179.

Without proper burial, the greatest misfortune that could happen to the dead. I.e., life. I.e., called to the throne. See p. 296. The prayers and hymns of the Babylonians are only beginning to receive the attention they deserve at the hands of scholars.

It is believed, however, that if the United States remain at peace the whole of that debt may be redeemed by the ordinary revenue of those years during that period under the provision of the act of March 3, 1817, creating the sinking fund, and in that case the only part of the debt that will remain after the year 1835 will be the $7,000,000 of 5 per cent stock subscribed to the Bank of the United States, and the 3 per cent Revolutionary debt, amounting to $13,296,099.06, both of which are redeemable at the pleasure of the Government.

Using this as a check point, they estimated the size of the UFO to be 40 feet wide and 100 feet long, and they computed that the UFO had been at an altitude of 296,000 feet, or 56 miles, when they had first seen it, and that it was traveling 7 miles per second. This wasn't the only UFO sighting made by White Sands scientists.

South, the: Emerson's preaching tour, 53; Rebellion, 305, 407. Southerners, in college, 47. Sparks, Jared, literary rank, 33. Spenser, Edmund: stanza, 335, 338; soul making body, 391; mother-wit, 404. Spinoza, influence, 173, 380. Spirit and matter, 100, 101. Spiritualism, 296. Sprague, William Buel, Annals of the American Pulpit, 10-12. Stanley, Arthur Penrhyn, on American religion, 414.

On March 19, 1917, the French warship Danton was torpedoed in the Mediterranean, 296 of her crew having perished. A mine was responsible for the sinking of a British destroyer on May 4, 1917, causing the loss of one officer and sixty-one men. Mines also were responsible for the sinking of the French armored cruiser Kleber off Point St.

And the price of their victory? The Scots had 8 officers and 93 other ranks casualties. They buried over 100 Turkish dead and took 11 officers and 296 other ranks prisoners, besides capturing ten machine guns.

The amendment to the State constitution was voted on at the general election in November, 1920, and received 39,186 ayes, 24,296 noes but it was not carried, as the law requires a majority of all the votes cast at the election.