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Seedlings, also, are destroyed in vast numbers by various enemies; for instance, on a piece of ground three feet long and two wide, dug and cleared, and where there could be no choking from other plants, I marked all the seedlings of our native weeds as they came up, and out of the 357 no less than 295 were destroyed, chiefly by slugs and insects.

This gentleman stipulated in his will that the house should be only occupied by a person of the name of Sparling, and that it was not to be let to any person for longer than seven years. In 1810 the legatees got the will reversed by an act of Parliament. The Queen's Dock was projected by Mr. Sparling, and Sparling-Street was called after him. The St. Domingo Estate was next sold for 20,295 pounds.

"Let's see," he exclaimed, "the Hesse-Weimar diamond is two-thirds of a hen's egg in size, and weighs 295 carats, that is to say, larger than the Koh-i-noor, the famous Indian diamond, one of the crown jewels of England." He now introduced his model into the pocket and found that it fitted the hole exactly. "There! What do you say to that!" he cried.

Hill 265 was occupied, but the highest summit, owing to the valor of its defenders, remained in French hands. During the night the French succeeded in stemming the German advance by executing a brilliant counterattack which carried them to the slope between Hill 295 and Béthincourt, where they came in touch with the enemy.

Ibid., "Theodicée Chretiénne," pp. 437, 444, 449. MR. MORELL'S "Historical and Critical View," II. 104, 153. PIERRE LEROUX, "De l'Humanité," I. vi. 3, 295. L. D. CROUSSE, "Des Principes, ou Philosophie Première," 2d Edition, Paris, 1846. ABBÉ MARET, "Theodicée Chretienne," p. 94. ABBÉ GOSCHLER, sur "l'Histoire du Pantheisme." ABBÉ MARET, "Essai," chap. PIERRE LEROUX, "De l'Humanité," I. 249.

Up to the present the London County Council has authorised the introduction of organised games by 580 departments, 295 boys', 225 girls', and 60 mixed. "The games chiefly played by boys are football, cricket and rounders, according to the season.

For example, we read: Class 286, brushes; 295, sleighs; 300, elementary instruction; 301, academies and high schools, colleges and universities; 305, libraries, history, etc.; 306, school-books, general and miscellaneous literature, encyclopædias, newspapers; 311, learned and scientific associations, artistic, biological, zoological and medical schools, astronomical observatories; 313, music and the drama.

"Perhaps he can't manage his feet; perhaps they just won't climb." 295 "Yes, or p'raps he just does n't want to climb any more; but it must be frightensome, sliding backwards." "I suppose it is." "Is it wicked?" "Why, yes, it is, generally; perhaps always." "Brother Nathan and Sister Hetty were backsliders; Sister Tabitha said so.

In our coastwise trade a most encouraging development is in progress, there having been in the last four years an increase of 16 per cent. In internal commerce the statistics show that no such period of prosperity has ever before existed. The freight carried in the coastwise trade of the Great Lakes in 1890 aggregated 28,295,959 tons.

The long oval mound of red clay, overgrown with trees, and rising 295 feet above sea-level, is all auriferous; but there are placers richer than their neighbours. Tebribi was the favourite washing-ground of the Apinto Wásás; but the old shafts were all neglected after the Dutch left, and no deep sinking was known within the memory of man until the last twelve years.