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Among German literati, Herder is another representative of acquaintance with Sterne and appreciation of his masterpiece. Haym implies that Sterne and Swift are mentioned more often than any other foreign authors in Herder’s writings of the Riga period (November, 1764, to May, 1769). This would, of course, include the first fervor of enthusiasm concerning the Sentimental Journey, and would be a statement decidedly doubtful, if applied exclusively to the previous years. In a note-book, possibly reaching back before his arrival in Riga to his student days in Königsberg, Herder made quotations from Shandy and Don Quixote, possibly preparatory notes for his study of the ridiculous in the Fourth Wäldchen. In May, 1766, Herder went to Mitau to visit Hamann, and he designates the account of the events since leaving there asein Capitel meines Shandyschen Romansand sends it as such tomy uncle, Tobias Shandy.” Later a letter, written 27-16, August, 1766, is begun with the heading, “Herder to Hamann and no more Yorick to Tobias Shandy,” in which he says: “I

Reigned 2 years and was slain. Pekah, 2 K. 15:27-16:9. Reigned 20 years and was slain. Hoshea, 2 K. 17:1-6. Reigned 9 years and put in prison. The Kings of Judah. Rehoboam, 1 K. 12:21-24; 14:21-31; 2 Chron. 11:1-12:16. Reigned 17 years and died. Abijah, 1 K. 15:1-8; 2 Chron. 13:1-22. Reigned 3 years and died. Asa, 1 K. 15:9-24; 2 Chron. 14:1-16:14. Reigned 41 years and died.

Baasha, 1 K. 15;27-16:6. Reigned 24 years and died. Elah, 1 K. 16;6-10. Reigned 2 years and was slain. Zimri, 1 K. 18:11-20. Reigned 7 days and suicided. Omri, 1 K. 16:31-28. Reigned 12 years and died. Ahab, 1 K. 16:29-22:40. Reigned 22 years and was slain in battle. Ahaziah, 1 K. 22:51-2 K. 1:18. Reigned 2 years and died from an accident. Jehoram, 2 K. 3:1-9:24. Reigned 12 years and was slain.