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This is not altogether bad if you reflect that the land in question is not the very best rice land, but ordinary No. 1, at £25:16s. per acre, capital value. A son has the right to inherit his father's land on the father's assessment, so long as its term runs, or, when the term has expired, has a prior claim as against any one else.

It is thus possible to select an indicator for a particular purpose with considerable accuracy. Salm, E., A Study of Indicators, !Z. physik. Chem.!, 57 , 471-501. Stieglitz, J., Theories of Indicators, !J. Am. Chem. Soc.!, 25 , 1112-1127. Chem. Soc.!, 32 , 815-861. Bjerrum, N., General Discussion, !Z. Anal. Chem.!, 66 , 13-28 and 81-95. Ostwald, W., Colloid Chemistry of Indicators, !Z. Chem. Ind.

His Commission in the Peace for Westminster bears date October 25. 1748. An application is reported for the 2nd of December before "Justice Fielding" of Meards Court, St. Anne's, but for reasons given below this may refer to John Fielding. From the autograph now at Woburn Abbey, and printed in the Correspondence of John Fourth Duke of Bedford. Vol. i. p. 589. Middlesex Records.

'Feb. 25, 1853. 'My dearest Fan, I must answer your very sensible well-written letter at once, because on our system of mutual explanation, there are two or three things I wish to notice in it.

The Church's personal property was restored by an Act of Congress approved October 25, 1893, but it was stipulated in the Act that the money was not to be used for the support of any church buildings in which "the rightfulness of the practice of polygamy" should be taught.

'He told me he had 25,000 men coming up, that there was no mode of warfare that he would not visit on the city, shot, shell, night attack, and I added, "What say you to pillage," he replied, "I cannot guarantee the contrary." 'After dismounting at his headquarters, a room in the gateway, he begged me to look out for the Sardinian fleet expected, and to deliver to the Admiral two letters.

It is thought he will take no step without asking the Duke of Cumberland. He may refuse altogether. Then we go out. Alexander would go if he could have his peerage and a pension. Leach will not go unless he is to have a peerage and a pension of 7,000£ a year, a thing impossible. May 25. Cabinet at 3. Waited a long time for the Duke. He came smiling and victorious.

He entered upon his official duties on October 25,1862.* * General Forey commanded the Fourth Division at the battle of Alma, in the Crimean war; at Sebastopol he commanded both the Third and the Fourth, to which was intrusted the siege work. The new commander-in-chief, like those whom he was superseding, was under precise orders from the home government to be guided by M. de Saligny.

The fall of Mary, the triumph of Protestantism, appear to have, in some degree, rather diminished the prominence of Knox. He would never make Mary weep again. He had lost the protagonist against whom, for a while, he had stood almost alone, and soon we find him complaining of neglect. He appeared at the General Assembly of June 25, 1567 a scanty gathering.

April 25, 1889. I found to-day on a shelf a Manual of Preparation for Holy Communion, which was given me when I was confirmed. I stood a long time reading it, and little ghosts seemed to rustle in its pages.