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It was a prosperous business. During the season 1908-1909 we continued to make Models "R" and "S," four-cylinder runabouts and roadsters, the models that had previously been so successful, and which sold at $700 and $750. But "Model T" swept them right out. We sold 10,607 cars a larger number than any manufacturer had ever sold. The price for the touring car was $850.

In 1908-1909 Austria-Hungary, with the aid of her German ally, enforced her wishes in respect of Bosnia upon a reluctant Europe; but instead of following up this success by a determined effort to solve the Southern Slav question on an Austrian basis, she allowed the confusion to grow yearly worse confounded, and gradually created an intolerable situation from which a peaceful exit was well-nigh impossible.

Thereafter, for a decade, the controlling powers in Congress had their faces set against removal by law of the judicial interference in labor's use of its economic strength against employers. In the meantime, however, new court decisions made the situation more and more critical. A climax was reached in 1908-1909.

The impression was that a good car could not be built at a low price, and that, anyhow, there was no use in building a low-priced car because only wealthy people were in the market for cars. The 1908-1909 sales of more than ten thousand cars had convinced me that we needed a new factory. We already had a big modern factory the Piquette Street plant.

The Budget of the Reichstag of 1908-1909 allows and provides for the building and maintenance of twelve dirigibles of Zeppelin type. As far as the knowledge of the rest of the world is concerned this is all the sky navy that Germany possesses. It is a fact, though, that she has three times the number which she officially acknowledges.

Every detail had been fully tested in practice. There was no guessing as to whether or not it would be a successful model. It had to be. There was no way it could escape being so, for it had not been made in a day. It contained all that I was then able to put into a motor car plus the material, which for the first time I was able to obtain. We put out "Model T" for the season 1908-1909.

Soc., 1909-1910, pp. 191-218. On this subject, compare A Theory of Time and Space, by Mr. Univ. Mr. "Natural Realism and Present Tendencies in Philosophy," Proc. Arist. Soc., 1908-1909, p. 165. Die Erfahrungsgrundlagen unseres Wissens, p. 28. Cf. Principia Mathematica, Vol. I, * 14, and Introduction, Chap. III. For the definition of existence, cf. * 14. 02. Cf.