United States or Guadeloupe ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

His pulpit style is conspicuous for its directness and forcefulness, and he is considered in a high sense the successor of Philip Brooks. He was lecturer in the Lowell Institute Course, 1900; Lyman Beecher Lecturer, Yale, 1901; university preacher to Harvard, 1886-1890; to Yale, 1888-1901; Harvard overseer. He is the author of "The Witness to Immortality" , and many other works. Born in 1853

"His Majesty's Government has received from the Government of Cape Colony a statement of their opinion as regards the terms to be offered to British subjects of the Cape Colony who are still in the Veldt or who have surrendered since April 12th, 1901.

I have never heard the speech beginning "All the world's a stage" delivered more finely, not even by Phelps, who was fine in the part. Janauschek used to do a little sketch from the German called "Come Here!" which I afterwards did in England. In November, 1901, I wrote in my diary: "Philadelphia. Supper at Henry's. Jefferson there, sweeter and more interesting than ever and younger."

Its external commerce has increased 17 per cent over the preceding year, bringing the total value up to $92,631,886, or more than five times the value of the commerce of the island in 1901. During the year 160,657 Pupils were enrolled in the public schools, as against 145,525 for the preceding year, and as compared with 26,000 for the first year of American administration.

<b>WHITMAN, SARAH DE ST. PRIX.</b> Bronze medal at Columbian Exposition, Chicago, 1893; gold and bronze medals at Atlanta Exposition; diploma at Pan-American, Buffalo, 1901. Member of the Society of American Artists, New York; Copley Society, Boston; Water-Color Club, Boston. Born in Baltimore, Maryland. Pupil of William M. Hunt and Thomas Couture. Mrs.

Towards the end of 1901 an attempt was made to lessen the mortality in the camps by bringing them down to the sea-coast. The problem was complicated by the fact that many of the refugees were averse from leaving their own country, and had come in upon a promise that they would not be asked to do so.

At the second, at Mexico City in 1901, the American republics which had not already done so agreed to the conventions signed at The Hague in 1899.

At this point and again later about Chezal-Benoît I have made much use of Dom Berlière's Mélanges d'histoire bénédictine, 3^e série, 1901. By the end of the fifteenth century there were more than a hundred constituents of the Congregation.

The tempest-tossed soul was at rest; above were the pitying Angels' wings, and over all the solemn hush of Death. From Miss Rose Dacre, Southampton, to Miss Amy Conway, 30, Alford Street, Park Lane. YACHT "MARIE," SOUTHAMPTON. July 15th, 1901. Dearest Amy, Here am I on Jack's yacht, anchored in Southampton waters. The weather is perfect, and I am having a very good time.

There we should be constantly recruited, and our commandoes would increase rather than decrease. That was an advantage not to be despised, for our forces were getting daily weaker in the states. With such facts before him, General De Wet planned a second invasion of the Cape Colony towards the close of the year 1901.