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With men there is an elevation of the mind into superior light, and with women there is an elevation of the mind into superior heat, 188. The mind of every man, according to his will and consequent understanding, actually dwells in one society of the spiritual world, and intends and thinks in like manner with those who compose the society, 530.

"I am glad all the bad work is not done in guns," said I, "but how is your stock? I think bull-dogs are going to advance." "I suppose they are; look at this letter." He handed me a letter from a New York house which read: New York, , 188 . Messrs. Rhodes & Shively Gentlemen: I have entered your order for 100 "Blank" Bull-Dogs at $2.85, prices guaranteed. Please send on specifications.

A pound of good coal, used in a good engine, stands for the work of six horses for an hour; a ton of coal for the work of thirteen hundred horses for a day of ten hours; ten thousand tons of coal, used in a day by single lines of railways, stand for the work of thirteen million horses, working ten hours a day. In 1894 the English mines produced 188,277,525 tons of coal.

The influence of impeded respiration in exciting more or less perverted forms of sexual gratification has been discussed in a section of "Love and Pain" in the third volume of these Studies. See, e.g., the experiments of Obici on this point, Revista Sperimentale di Freniatria, 1903, pp. 689, et seq. Summarized in Archives d'Anthropologie Criminelle, March, 1903, p. 188.

At Muscle Shoals, on the Tennessee River, there is now developed 188,000 horse-power, second only to Niagara and if the waters were conserved, the figures would reach 1,084,000 horse-power on the three rivers.

Buckminster, Joseph Stevens: minister in Boston, 12, 26, 27, 52; Memoir, 29; destruction of Goldau, 31. Buddhism: like Transcendentalism, 151; Buddhist nature, 188; saints 298. Buffon, on style, 341. Bulkeley Family, 4-7. Bulkeley, Peter: minister of Concord, 4-7, 71; comparison of sermons, 57; patriotism, 72; landowner, 327. Bunyan, John, quoted, 169.

"Letters and Despatches of Castlereagh," Vol. Mitre, "The Emancipation of South America." Translated by Pilling. London, 1893. London, 1859. Hall's "Journal," Vol. I, p. 181. Report of Conversation with San Martin in Callao Roads. Hall's "Journal," Vol. I, p. 194. Holstein, "Life of Bolivar." Boston, 1829. Hall's "Journal," Vol. II, p. 188.

Strong, Roman Sculpture plate, CIX; Hekler, Greek and Roman Portraits, 188 a. A land of sound constitutions, mentally and physically, was the frontier region in which Vergil grew to manhood; and had it not later been drained of its sturdy citizenry by the civil wars and recolonized by the wreckage of those wars it would have become Italy's mainstay through the Empire.

Marcus Paullus Æmilius, one of the best and bravest of the Romans, was sent to subdue him, and the great battle was fought in 188, at Pydna, near Mount Olympus.

All the same it came something like a shock to society at Frayne that, when she appeared at the post this beautiful autumn of 188-, nearly three months later than the usual time, she should be accompanied by this brilliant and beautiful girl of whom no one of their number had previously heard, and whom she smilingly, confidently presented as, "My niece, Miss Flower."