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But the strength of Germany for war was rapidly increased by her success in peace. From the date of the great financial crisis of 1874, and the consequent reorganization of her entire banking system, Germany entered upon that determined and well-thought-out attempt to attain pre-eminence in the trade and commerce of the world of which we have not yet seen the end.

He'll deny it now, declare he never done it, and he'll not do a thing for your town down here. See if he does. But it's Gawd's truth, he held me back so's he could run you his way. It's your turn to listen to me now and believe me, too." And well they listened, especially the men who still owed John Jacobs for the loan of 1874.

The world will wait to learn if there was not present at Conemaugh some Myron Day, whose ride on his bareback steed before the advancing wall of water that burst from Mill River Dam in 1874, shouting to the unsuspecting people as he rode: "The reservoir is breaking! The flood is coming! Fly! Fly for your lives," was the one mitigating circumstance in that scene of woe and destruction.

I had to give up a visit to the scenery of Cooper's best Indian novels no slight sacrifice and hasten at once to New York to repair the loss. This incident brought me, on an evening near the middle of September 1874, on board a river steamboat starting from Albany, the capital of the State, for the Empire City.

That was the Golden Age; there were giants in those days." And so there were, Colonel Martin Culpepper of the Great Heart and the "large white plumes" so there were. It was a cold raw day in March, 1874.

In the course of the autumn of 1874 Miss Prankard sailed, and in a letter to the writer, December 13, 1874, Gilmour thus refers to the close of his unusual but satisfactory courtship: 'I was married last week, Tuesday, December 8! 'Mrs. Meech's sister is Mrs. Gilmour.

The record shows that there were perfect, in recitations and attendance, twenty-six in 1873, thirty-four in 1874, and twenty in 1875. This is a fair sample for the fifteen years. The school is still in a fine condition. Some members have not missed a single recitation in five years.

By leasing the North Carolina Railroad, a small property forming a link with the Greensboro line, they created a through route from Richmond to Charlotte. By 1874 they had built the road southward to Atlanta, Georgia, and had thus formed the first continuous route from Richmond to that city.

A public meeting was held on the grounds, afterwards a prayer and a business meeting, at which latter a committee of organization was formed, and a circular letter authorized, asking "The Woman's Temperance League" of the North to hold conventions for the purpose of electing delegates to an organizing convention, to be held in Cleveland, Ohio, Nov. 18th, 19th and 20th, 1874.

No spot is better suited to inspire freedom of thought and lofty imagination than this primitive meeting-place of a legislative assembly. Eventually, Iceland became subject to Norway and afterward a colony of Denmark, which it remains to-day. Self-government and the re-establishment of the old Parliament at Reykjavik was granted by Denmark in 1874.