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The act of Congress of March 3, 1859, changed the provisions of the original act and reduced the number of commissioners to three the commissary general of subsistence, the surgeon general, and the adjutant general of the army, substituted the name of "Soldiers' Home" for "Military Asylum," and extended the benefits of the Home to the soldiers of the War of 1812.

It was reprinted only in 1859, and then, at the instance of the censorship, in an altered form, in which a police officer appears at the end of the play as a deus ex machina, arrests Podkhalyúzin, and announces that he will be sent to Siberia. In this mangled version the play was acted in 1861; in its original text it did not appear on the stage until 1881.

The disturbance in European politics which culminated in the French declaration of war against Austria contributed to weaken still further the feeble Ministry of Lord Derby. The Reform Bill caused profound divisions in its ranks. Mr. Walpole and Mr. Henley resigned, and the Government Bill was defeated in the spring of 1859.

Yet another product of investigation has largely contributed to the removal of the objections to the doctrine of evolution current in 1859. It is the proof afforded by successive discoveries that Mr. Darwin did not over-estimate the imperfection of the geological record.

In 1835 she made it over to Villiaumé, who, having finished his book, sold it in 1859 for £80 to the collector Solar. Prince Napoleon afterwards owned it; and at last it made its way to an ancient Scottish castle, where I had the good fortune to find it.

"Quand je le vis, pour la premi�re fois, en 1859, � la table de l'h�tel d'Angleterre, � Francfort, c'�tait d�j� un vieillard, � l'oeil d'un bleu vif et limpide, � la l�vre mince et l�g�rement sarcastique, autour de laquelle errait un fin sourire, et dont le vaste front, estomp� de deux touffes de cheveux blancs sur les c�t�s, relevait d'un cachet de noblesse et de distinction la physionomie petillante d'esprit et de malice.

The General Election of 1859 was held while Cobden was absent in the United States, and on his return he found that he had been chosen member for Rochdale. To his surprise, he also received from his old enemy, Palmerston, an offer of the Presidency of the Board of Trade. Cobden, who had consistently refrained from accepting any office, courteously declined.

He suffered much, but he still hoped. He became worse as the spring came on, and on the 16th of April, 1859, he died. He was fifty-four years old, but he had lived a long life, if life be measured by thought and moral progress. In his domestic life Tocqueville had been most happy, and it was in his own home that his character appeared in its most delightful aspect.

These discoveries of M. de Perthes have at length aroused the attention of English men of science, and during 1859 a number of eminent gentlemen among them Sir Charles Lyell, Mr. Prestwich, Dr. Falconer, and others visited M. Perthes's collection, and saw the flints in situ. Several of them have avowed their conviction of the genuineness and antiquity of these relics.

To complete this history, it may be added that in 1859 the moustache of his later portraits was first doubtfully permitted and was presently approved with decision as picturesque. Under all disadvantages of appearance Browning made his way triumphantly in the English and American society of Rome. The studios were open to him.