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"Two days after you saw me?" I repeated. "Yaas, I run away. That was the mont' of August, 1789, and we have not then heard in New Orleans that the Bastille is attack. I lan' at La Havre, it is the en' of Septembre. I go to the Chateau de St. Gre great iron gates, long avenue of poplar, big house all 'round a court, and Monsieur le Marquis is at Versailles.

Twice between the 14th of July and the 6th of October, 1789, the day on which the Court was dragged to Paris, the Queen prevented me from making little excursions thither of business or pleasure, saying to me, "Do not go on such a day to Paris; the English have been scattering gold, we shall have some disturbance."

To Lamartine, indeed, and to Victor Hugo, as to cultured Liberalism throughout Europe, the incidents in Paris of February, 1848, and the astounding rapidity with which the spirit of Revolutions sped from the Seine to the Vistula, to the Danube and the frontiers of the Czar the barricades in the streets of Vienna and Berlin, the flight of the Emperor and the hated Metternich, the Congress at Prague, and all Hungary arming at the summons of Kossuth, the daring proclamation of the party of Roumanian unity appeared as a glorious continuance, or even as an expansion, of the ideals of 1789 and 1792.

The Ordinance concerning the North-west Territory, passed by the Congress of 1787, and ratified by the Congress of 1790, shows, so far as those bodies can be regarded as correct interpreters of the Constitution which was framed in 1787, and adopted in 1789, that slavery was not to have a constitutional existence in the new States.

A second convention was called in September, 1789, and in the meantime the new government had come into operation and was bringing pressure to bear upon the recalcitrant States which refused to abandon the old union for the new.

Gorostiza nació en nuestro puerto de Veracruz el 13 de octubre de 1789, de una familia española distinguida, cuyo jefe, el general D. Pedro de Gorostiza, vino a la Nueva España con el segundo Conde de Revillagigedo, de quien era pariente o amigo, a encargarse del mando civil y militar de aquella plaza.

The women of the Thuillier salon held by the Jesuits; the men defended the University; and, as a general thing, the women listened. "How could the Revolution of 1789 have been avoided? The loans of Louis XIV. prepared the way for it. Monsieur de Necker, an evil-minded Genovese, set the thing a-going. Foreigners have always tried to injure France. The maximum did great harm to the Revolution.

In 1789, the seat of government was in New York; from 1790 to 1800, it was in Philadelphia; and in 1800 it was transferred to Washington, where it has ever since remained. One of the most noteworthy events which occurred during Washington's administration was the invention of the cotton-gin by Eli Whitney. Whitney was born in Massachusetts.

On Sept. 13, 1788 Congress voted that the Constitution had been ratified, and that elections should proceed for the officers of the new government, which was to go into operation the first Wednesday in March, 1789.

CXLL To MRS. DUNLOP. ELLISLAND, 13th December 1789. Many thanks, dear Madam, for your sheetful of rhymes. Though at present I am below the veriest prose, yet from you everything pleases. I am groaning under the miseries of a diseased nervous system; a system, the state of which is most conducive to our happiness or the most productive of our misery.