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Ante, i. 197. 'It is wonderful how little mind she had, he once said. Ante, ii. 348. See Boswell's Hebrides, post, v. 126. See ante, iii. 183. See ante, iii. 184. 'Garrick's great distinction is his universality, Johnson said. 'He can represent all modes of life, but that of an easy, fine-bred gentleman. Boswell's Hebrides, post, v. 126. See ante, iii. 35.

The speeches actually delivered and the speeches for which leave to print was given, fill more than two hundred columns of the Congressional Globe. When Mr. Stevens closed the debate, many members who still desired to be heard were cut off by the previous question. The vote on the resolution impeaching the President resulted in ayes 126, noes 47, not voting 17. Mr.

The only mode of existing was to wrap the head in a wet cloth, and the body in all the heavy clothing to be had, to prevent the waste of moisture; but even thus Martyn says his state was "a fire within my head, my skin like a cinder, the pulse violent." The thermometer rose to 126 degrees in the middle of the day, and came down to about 100 degrees in the evening.

It is generally agreed that they fall into two sections, the first consisting of sonnets 1 to 126 addressed to a young man, probably Henry Wriothesley, Earl of Southampton, the friend and patron of S., and 9 years his junior; and the second from 127 to 154 addressed or referring to a woman in whose snares the writer had become entangled, and by whom he was betrayed.

The wind is against them, so that they won't be here before the day after to-morrow. Adieu, my dear General, with the highest respect I have the honor to be, Your's, &c.~ See Spark's Writ. of Wash. vol. 7, p. 126. For the answer to the above, approving the measures of Lafayette, See Spark's Writ. of Wash. v.7, p.147. Elizabeth Town, October the 27th, 1780. My Dear General.

However, my Lord, I had nothing to doe to owne or meddle in a business that I was so much a stranger to. . . . This Roux Marsilly is a great creature of the B. d'Isola's, wch makes them here hate him the more. The Spanish Resident was very earnest with mee to have done something in behalfe of Marsilly, but I positively refused. Read in for. State Papers, France, vol. 126.

On March 7, early in the morning, the long-looked-for coast of New Albion, so-called by Sir Francis Drake, hove in sight. The ships stood along the coast, now off and now on again, with uncertain weather, till at length, on March 29, an inlet appeared in latitude 49 degrees 15 minutes North, and longitude 126 degrees 35 minutes East.

Wind South, East-South-East, East-North-East; course North 50 degrees West; distance 47 miles; latitude 30 degrees 17 minutes South, longitude 126 degrees 10 minutes West. Wednesday, 15th. Light breezes and clear weather. Variation, p.m. 3 degrees 45 minutes East, a.m. 3 degrees 22 minutes East. Saw a Tropic Bird.

The Baris of the Belinian Mountain were well provided with guns and ammunition, which they had taken in various massacres of the slave-traders' parties some years before. On one occasion they had killed 126 of the traders in one day, and had possessed themselves of their arms, with many cases of cartridges.

Termes de la Ley, 1595, fol. 126, b. Shakespeare, therefore, uses the phrase with perfect understanding, when he makes Prince Hal say to Bardolph, "O villain, thou stolest a cup of sack eighteen years ago, and wert taken with the manner, and ever since thou hast blush'd extempore." 1 Henry IV.Act ii, Sc. 4.