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Fear ye God and follow not in the ways of those who have turned away from His face, though they invoke His name in the daytime and in the night season. 126 Verily, the day of ingathering is come, and all things have been separated from each other. He hath stored away that which He chose in the vessels of justice, and cast into fire that which befitteth it.

Then it was not the Son but the whole Trinity that was crucified: for surely this was an operation 'ad extra'. Ib. p. 126. But to do St. Austin right, though he do not name this consciousness, yet he explains this Trinity in Unity by examples of mutual consciousness.

The man was always looked upon as a hot headed and indiscreete man, and soe accordingly handled, hearing him, but never trusting him with anything but his own offered and undesired endeavours to gett the Regicides sent out of Switzerland. IV. Letter of W. Perwich to . State Papers, France, vol. 126. Paris: June 5, 1669. Honored Sir,

On the 9th I spent the night in Lecce O.P. on Hill 123, overlooking Hills 126 and 94. It was named after the Lecce Brigade who made it, one of the best Brigades in the Italian Army. When they were in front of us, we saw a good deal of them. Now the Parma Brigade were holding the line and the British officer in the O.P. used to take his meals at the Brigade Headquarters.

By this time, however, Newton's faith had become somewhat shaken by the unsatisfactory communications which he had himself received from Boyle on the subject of the golden recipe, though he did not abandon the idea of giving the experiment a further trial as soon as the weather should become suitable for furnace experiments." Quarterly Review, No. 220, pp. 125, 126.

In 1762 Manila was taken and held by the English for a ransom of 1,000,000 pounds sterling. This, however, was never paid, and the islands were finally returned to Spain. The archipelago extends from 5 degrees 32 minutes to 19 degrees 38 minutes, north latitude, and from 117 degrees to 126 degrees, east longitude. It thus covers about 1,000 miles north and south and 600 east and west.

The river counties of Dubuque, Scott and Clinton gave 9,383 of the 10,341 adverse majority. They were the stronghold for the commercial liquor interests of the State. The Republican candidate for Governor received a majority of 126,754 and this party could easily have carried the amendment.

The place was frankly third-class, with a large sign stating that boarders were wanted by the day or week. On the porch were young women coifed according to the latest and most extreme bushiness and young men with their feet on the railing, socks and toothpicks much in evidence. Josie noted the address: 126 East Centre Street. She also noted the odors that exuded from the basement dining room.

See Gratian, Dist., v, c. 4 Friedberg, i, p. 8, e.g., ... ita ut morte lex sacra feriat, si quis vir ad menstruam mulierem accedat. Gratian, Dist., 31, c. 11 Friedberg, i, p. 114. Gratian, Causa, 27, Quaest. 2, c. 18-22, and 24-26 Friedberg i, pp. 1067-1070. Gratian, Dist., 34, c. 4 Friedberg, i, p. 126. Id., Causa, 29, Quaest. 1 Friedberg, i, p. 1092. Id., Causa, 29, Quaest. 2, c. 2.

It is interesting to know that Japan increased the value of her exports of cotton manufactures to China from $251,363 in 1894 to $16,126,054 in 1904. "Why not fabricate her own raw silk, and send it to market ready for wear?" asks the foreigner reluctant to believe that Japan can hope to compete with Lancashire in the spinning of cotton.