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The first organized movement among the women was the forming of a society in Stockholm this year and an address to Parliament with 5,641 signatures urging this bill. In 1904 his bill, endorsed by 30 members, received 115 noes, 93 ayes and no vote in the First Chamber. In 1905, endorsed by 57, it had 89 noes, 30 ayes in the First Chamber and the Second rejected it by 109 to 88.

But now the situation of Europe and especially that of Asia is creating fresh competitions, the expenses for the navies, according to the figures of the various Budgets from 1914 to 1921, have risen in the United States of America from 702 millions of lire to 2,166, in Great Britain from 1,218 millions to 2,109, in Japan from 249 millions to 1,250, in France from 495 millions to 1,083, in Italy from 250 millions to 402.

For Ricardo's opinion of Torrens, see Letters to Trower, p. 39. Political Economy , p. 21. External Corn-trade, pp. xviii, 109, 139; Production of Wealth, p. 375. Originally in the Encyclopædia Metropolitana, 1836. Senior's Political Economy , p. 26. Ibid. , pp. 55, 129-131. Senior's Political Economy , p. 125. Ibid. p. 135.

V. It was a cylinder, sharp at both ends, 109 feet long and driven by a 12-horse-power motor. A new feature was the use of piano wire for the support of the car, thus greatly reducing the resistance of the air which in the case of the old cord suspensions was almost as great as that of the balloon itself.

Mézeray, vol. xi. p. 13. L'Etoile, vol. iv. p. 146. L'Etoile, vol. iv. p. 147. Sully, Mém. vol. viii. pp. 121-124. L'Etoile, vol. iv. pp. 183, 184. Richelieu, Hist, de la Mère et du Fils, vol. i. p. 109. L'Etoile, vol. iv. pp. 192, 193. Charles de Lorraine, Duc d'Elboeuf, was the grandson of Réné, Marquis d'Elboeuf, the seventh son of Claude, Duc de Guise.

This seems an obvious error, in view of the manifesto; yet see Lamon, 122. N. and H. i. 102. Lamon regards him as "a nominal Jackson man" in contradistinction to a "whole-hog Jackson man;" as "Whiggish" rather than actually a Whig. Lamon, 123, 126. Herndon, 105. But see N. and H. i. 109. The whole story of these two love affairs is given at great length by Herndon and by Lamon.

Another tribe, the Choctaws, remote from the Iroquois, and radically different in language, had also eight clans, similarly divided, with a similar interdict of marriage. Gallatin, Synopsis, 109. The Creeks, according to the account given by their old chief, Sekopechi, to Mr. The clans were by no means equal in numbers, influence, or honor.

Government Bonds $ 27,236,512.00 First Mortgage Bonds 27,213,000.00 Income Bonds 9,355,000.00 Land Grant Bonds 9,224,000.00 Union Pacific Stock 36,000,000.00 $109,028,512.00 There were granted to the Union Pacific Railroad Company under its Charter land grants of eleven million three hundred and nine thousand eight hundred and forty-four acres.

During the period of ninety-six years, from the foundation of the Government down to the beginning of Cleveland's administration, the entire number of veto messages was 132. In four years, Cleveland sent in 301 veto messages, and in addition he practically vetoed 109 bills by inaction.

"Good heavens, Monty," cried the broker, "you're joking. Lumber is away up now. It can't possibly go a fraction of a point higher. Take my advice and don't touch it. It opened to-day at 111 3/4 and closed at 109. Why, man, you're crazy to think about it for an instant."