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Afterwards, on the rising of the assembly, Arons and Albin alone remain behind, and of them it is now said: qui sont supposes etre entres de la salle d'audience dans un autre appartement de la maison de Brutus. What is the poet's meaning here?

But his sentimental attitude towards man involved a corresponding one towards the Deity; unable to accept Catholicism or even Christianity, he sought refuge from atheism in the arms of the Etre Suprême. It was this Supreme Being of Rousseau that was to become the official deity of France during the last days of the Reign of Terror.

Here, it is to be observed, are horizontal beds remaining, which give a measure of what had been abstracted by some cause, which is our present subject of investigation. The Chevalier proceeds: «Les environs de Sortino m'offrirent des phénomènes et des singularités dont l'explication me parut difficile, et qui tinrent pendant longtemps mon esprit en suspens. Je vis d'abord les matières volcaniques ensevelies sous des bancs horizontaux de pierres calcaires, très-coquillières, contenant sur-tout une infinité de madréporites, quelques-uns d'un volume énorme. Je vis ensuite des hauteurs dont les sommets seuls étoient volcaniques, et les noyaux calcaires, sans que les laves qui couronnoient ces sommets eussent communication avec aucun courant, et eussent d'autre étendue que le plateau qu'elles recouvroient. Ces laves n'avoient pu être formées je les voyois; elles étoient venues d'ailleurs; mais d'où et comment? etc. Je me déterminai

"The English do not know what calamity awaits them," wrote Napoleon on the 4th of August to the Admiral Decres. "If we are masters of the passage for twelve hours, England's day is done." Racine has said by the mouth of Mithridates, "Mais, pour etre approuves, De semblables projets veulent etre acheves."

Indeed, when the plans of the forward wing in London were explained to him, with a view of enlisting his support, he deftly waved aside the embarrassing overtures by quoting the lines: "Et pour être approuvés De semblables projets veulent être achevés," a cautious reply which led his brother, then at Edinburgh, scornfully to contemn his feebleness as unworthy of any further confidences.

S'il se fût servi de la Latine, c'eût été pour être lu chez les nations qui ne connoissoient pas la nôtre.

II. suit cette doctrine comme une verite constante; l'on ne peut, dit ce S. Docteur, baptiser les enfans qui sont renfermes dans le sein de leurs meres, & S. Thomas est fonde sur ce, que les enfans ne sont point nes, & ne peuvent etre comptes parmi les autres hommes; d'ou il conclud, qu'ils ne peuvent etre l'objet d'une action exterieure, pour recevoir par leur ministere, les sacremens necessaires au salut: Pueri in maternis uteris existentes nondum prodierunt in lucem ut cum aliis hominibus vitam ducant; unde non possunt subjici actioni humanae, ut per eorum ministerium sacramenta recipiant ad salutem.

It abounds in details of the writer's attempts at the translation of a French play for the English stage, on which he desires a judgment; and cites verses from several of the songs it contains, one of them being that so familiar to American ears thirty years since, when Lafayette was making his last tour through this country: " peut on être mieux Qu'au sein de sa famille?"

"Talma ne faisoit pas un geste, quelquefois seulement il remuoit la tête pour questioner la terre et le ciel sur ce que c'est que la mort! Immobile, la dignité de la meditation absorboit tout son etre." De l'Allemagne, 1. c.

They would be seen there, but there was no fear of their being heard without their own consent, and till the chapel bell rang for evening prayers and sermon there would be no interruption. And as Cicely found herself seated between Master Richard and the window, with Humfrey opposite, she was sensible of a repose and bien etre she had not felt since she quitted Bridgefield.