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A great impetus was given to manufacturing during the last war with Great Britain, and Mr. Ames availed himself of every opportunity to enlarge his business. The one-horse method of transportation was soon supplanted by six-horse teams; and when, on his retirement from active business in 1844, the firm of Oliver Ames and Sons was formed, the business had grown to large dimensions.

After the store was in full working order Horace Ames left Ernest as sole manager, coming in only in the evening to look at the books, for Ernest, as far as possible, kept a record of every sale. Storekeeping in those days and in that country was unusually profitable.

Habersham. "One would dine in Inferno if the food were good. Her table is as perfect as her house and gowns are dreadful, and then Edith herself is very clever and amusing. Here she comes." "The cause of this delay," smiled Mrs. Symmes in passing, "is Mrs. Ames. I'll give her just one minute more." Bea smiled perfunctorily, and then turned on Hayden an alarmed face.

Fleckenstein continued a vigorous campaign, however. Money and whiskey flowed freely and Fleckenstein saw every man that Jim saw. Uncle Denny was only temporarily dismayed by Jim's refusal to allow him to work openly against Fleckenstein. Mrs. Ames, having come to the end of her talking capacity, he hired Bill Evans and his machine for the remaining six weeks of the campaign.

He was fond of her after a fashion, but always that voice made him wonder if there could be anything harder to endure. Then he gave a bitter little laugh. "Who'd have me, Aunt Catherine?" he asked. Catherine Ames looked at him critically across the supper table. She loved him in her way, with all her heart, but she was not in the least blind to his defects.

As he knew practically no one in the United States to whom he could refer, we finally compromised by his agreeing to pay his rent quarterly in advance." "How much of a family has he?" asked Morgan. "Only his wife," returned Cole. "That was one reason we were willing to come to terms with him. We like small families; like Mr. Ames, who rents the apartment where this trouble occurred."

Radcliffe College Monographs No. 14. An Impartial View of the Real State of the Black Population in the United States. Alexander, A. A History of Colonisation on the Western Continent of Africa. Ames, Mary. An Address to the People of North Carolina on the Evils of Slavery, by the Friends of Liberty and Equality, 1830.

There might be some meaning in that eccentricity, he thought, paid two guineas for the little thing, and on December 1, 1888, sold it back to Mr. Sander for 200l. It proved to be L. a. Amesiana, the grandest form of L. anceps yet discovered rosy white, with petals deeply splashed; thus named after F.L. Ames, an American amateur. Such pleasing opportunities might arise for you or me any day.

Shouldn't take more than five or six hours, should it, even if he has to wire the Brungarian Embassy to put up bail?" "It can probably be handled faster than that if he has any friends around town," Ames said. Tom took the cue. "Could be," he replied meaningfully. Tom's captor snatched the phone away and slammed it back on the hook. "All right, smart boy!

She seemed completely nonplussed, and Hayden divined that this proud and resourceful Ydo felt herself overmatched and outwitted for the first time. She stood perfectly still, but gazing through her mask at Ames. "I I think that you will get your heart's desire, señor," she murmured at last, her voice broken, inaudible.