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The wind swept in gusts through the trees, and seemed by its dismal yellings, to utter warnings of the dreadful retributions he was about to inflict. He had already declared his plan of destruction; and Graham, as a first measure, went to the spot he had fixed on with Macdougal, his servant, as a place of rendezvous.

Instantly the yellings and drummings were redoubled, the mass of worshippers whirled themselves round more furiously than ever, and then another and another man leaped forward and cut himself, each one more savagely than his fellow.

Uttering a deafening yell of pain and fury, the monster clasped me closer to his foul and loathsome body; his sharp claws, dug deeper into my back, seemed to tear up my flesh: the agony was insupportable my eyes began to swim, and my senses to leave me. Just then Crack! crack! Two four a dozen musket and pistol shots, followed by such a chorus of yellings and howlings and unearthly laughter!

They were no sooner arrived there, than the possessed person fell into an extraordinary fury, with, wonderful contortions of his limbs, and hideous yellings. The little children, far from being terrified, as usually children are, made a ring about him, singing the prayers of the church. After which they compelled him to kiss the cross; and at the same moment, the devil departed out of him.

He had in some way been connected with Mr O'Joscelyn's parish; and, as the parish priest and most of his flock were hot Repealers, there was a good deal of excitement on the occasion, rejoicings at the priest's acquittal, and howlings, yellings, and murmurings at the condemnation of the others.

The troopers galloped in with shouts and aimless pistolings, raising a clamor that was instantly doubled by the yells of the Indians. As for resistance, the charging troop met with nothing worse than the yellings and a scattering fusillade in air.

The shrieks of women and the shrill cries of children, as they severally and fruitlessly fled from the death certain to overtake them in the end, the cursings of the soldiers, the yellings of the Indians, the reports of rifles, and the crashings of tomahawks; these, with the stamping of human feet in the death struggle maintained in the council-room below between the chiefs and the officers, and which shook the block-house to its very foundation, all mixed up in terrible chorus together, might have called up a not inapt image of hell to the bewildered and confounding brain.

Not once was a tremor or a change of color perceptible, and though the missiles continued to fly through the broken sashes, and the hootings and yellings increased outside, so powerfully did her words and tones hold that vast audience, that, imminent as seemed their peril, scarcely a man or woman moved to depart. She sat down amid applause that drowned all the noise outside.

"Is it true there has been big trouble at Amritsar burning and killing?" "Wah, wah! Shurrum ki bhát. Because he who made all the trouble may not come into the Punjab, Sahibs who have no concern are killed " An intensified uproar drew their eyes back to the mob. It was swaying ominously forward, with yellings and prancings, with renewed showers of bricks and stones.

Of course there were cries and shouts from the children, but these were overtopped and quickly silenced by the hideous yellings of Dumps.