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Ef the mine can be worked up, we'll make it, sho'." Then after a pause, he said slowly as to himself, in a low tone: "It'll take me outer myself, maybe; that'll be wo'th mo' to me than a gold mine." "But it is a tough time of year," said Sedgwick. "The Red Sea and the ocean beyond will be like furnaces at this season." "Red Sea, ocean, furnace, everything, goes," said Jordan.

But damn him, I'll have a tussle with him now at fair buying and selling, mind at fair buying and selling! And if I can't overbid such a stripling as he, then I'm not wo'th a varden! We'll show that we know our business as well as one here and there!" His friends of the Corporation did not specially respond.

She added, as if it followed logically, "He's so different from what I thought a New York business man would be." "It's your Virginia tradition to despise business," said Beaton, rudely. Miss Woodburn laughed again. "Despahse it? Mah goodness! we want to get into it and woak it fo' all it's wo'th, as Mr. Fulkerson says. That tradition is all past. You don't know what the Soath is now.

They wore out in a week, and the people called them, because they were bought fresh for every Sunday " "Sat'd'y-night shoes," screamed the old farmer. "I know 'em. My gals buy 'em. Half-dolla' a pai', and not wo'th the money."

How much do yo' suppose the S Bar is wo'th, Anton?" "Well, with five good springs two rock tanks and three gravel ones, she's a first-class layout. The pick of the country. I'd say twenty thousand." "The robbers!" muttered Kid Wolf. "What's on the program?" asked Frank Lathum. "We can't do much ranchin' without cattle." "No," admitted The Kid. "We must get those cattle back."

"He buy me just for kindness, nothing else, for Sam ain't wo'th a dime, but Massah Hugh so good. I prays for him every night, and I asks God to bring you and him together. Miss Ellis will like Massah Hugh much, so much, and Massah Hugh like Miss Ellis. Oh, I'se happy chile to-night.

"It's a good day's work. Am I to presume that you are not interested in oysters?" "An' he gits fo' dollars a day for saying them things," commented the other shortly. "I tell you 'tain't wo'th fo' cents, suh." He lifted his bony hand and gave a tug at his scraggy beard. In a moment he spoke again. "Can you p'int out the young fellow from Goochland?" he inquired. "That's whar I come from."

You should read it sometime, Mistah Maxwell; you would appreciate its wo'th." He outlined the plot then and there, and Maxwell good-naturedly listened, finding his compensation in the enthusiast's original comments on character and situation.

At last she took up a little stone and threw it across at David. 'What's yor silly old secret about, then? 'Where's my book, then? replied David, holding up the boat and looking with one eye shut along the keel. 'Iv I gie it yer, an yor secret ain't wo'th it, I'll put soom o' that watter down yor neckhole, said Louie, nodding towards the place.

She added, as if it followed logically, "He's so different from what I thought a New York business man would be." "It's your Virginia tradition to despise business," said Beaton, rudely. Miss Woodburn laughed again. "Despahse it? Mah goodness! we want to get into it and woak it fo' all it's wo'th, as Mr. Fulkerson says. That tradition is all past. You don't know what the Soath is now.