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'Tha means th' rich mon's lass, doesndto? 'Yi! Did He ever do ought for a poor mon's lass? 'He did for a poor woman's lad, thaa knows a widder's son one like thine. 'But he's noan here naa, so we's be like to bide by it, ey, dear? Mi lad! mi lad! 'Don't tak' on like that, lass; noather on us 'll hev to bide long.

We're in the same boat barring a great difference in ages. Why, hang it, Judge, let's get married!" He giggled explosively and so failed to see the stern face of the man before him. "I want a young woman, a pretty girl, I've a right to a pretty girl, I think. In fact, I want Marjory Whately. And what's more, I'm going to have her. I've all but got the widder's consent now.

"Ye've only to keep him up to his work and he'll be the widder's joy agin," said Cyrus Brewster. Certainly he was so far encouraged that he had a long conversation with Mrs. Pottinger that night, with the result that the next morning Joe Wynbrook, Cyrus Brewster, Hank Mann, and Kentucky Ike were invited to spend the evening at the new house.

Jo Greatorex walked up to where Wully had crossed the fresh snow, gave a glance, looked dumbfounded, then pointing to the retreating sheep-dog, he said, with emphasis: "Lads, we're off the track of the Fox. But there's the killer of the Widder's yowes." Some agreed with Jo, others recalled the doubt in the trail and were for going back to make a fresh follow.

"Who give the best of their lives and thoughts to the meetin'-house from the time they sell button-hole bokays at church fairs in pantalettes, till they hand in their widder's mite with tremblin' fingers wrinkled with age think of this econimy in not givin' in, not givin' a mite of justice and right to the hull caboodle of such wimmen throughout the length and breadth of the country, and then think where would your very closest and tightest counsel of econimy stand by the side of this econimy of right, and manliness, and honor, and common sense."

But no, he spoke out as pert and cheerful as anything and sez he: "Samantha, I don't think it is necessary for Christians to give such a awful sight. Jest look at the widder's mit." I turned right round and looked at him, holdin' my flat-iron in my right hand, and sez I: "What do you mean, Josiah Allen? What are you talkin' about?"

"Now you bear in mind what I tell you, sir;" this mode of address was also to gain force "He's him! That man's him the very identical beggar! And this widder woman he was for hunting up, she's his mother or his aunt." "Or his sister no! sister-in-law." "Not if she's a widder's usual age, Jerry."

"Why the widder's mit that is mentioned in Scripter, and is talked about so much by Christians to this day. Most probable it wuz a odd one, I dare persume to say she had lost the mate to it. It specilly mentions that there wuzn't but one on 'em. And jest see how much that is talked over, and praised up clear down the ages, to this day.

"He sits opposite me at the table, and wonders at my use of a fork. It is considered merely a spear for bread and meat at the 'Widder's. I am observed closely at all times, and in some respects Joe admires me enough to attempt imitation, which, as you know, is the highest form of flattery. For instance, this morning he wore not only a collar and tie, but a scarf pin.

Lord love you, Stanley Orth'ris, but you're a bigger bloomin' fool than the rest o' the reg'ment and Mulvaney wired together! There's the Widder sittin' at 'Ome with a gold crownd on 'er 'ead; and 'ere am Hi, Stanley Orth'ris, the Widder's property, a rottin' FOOL!" His voice rose at the end of the sentence, and he wound up with a six-shot Anglo-Vernacular oath.