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He spoke to her above all of the evidence offered him at Lancaster Gate that she had come but to conquer; and when she had met this with full and gay assent "How could I help being the feature of the season, the what-do-you-call-it, the theme of every tongue?" they fraternised freely over all that had come and gone for each since their interrupted encounter in New York.

"Gee, that's unlucky!" "Rot! Why, you've got thirteen letters in your name. George Hanford." Perry counted on his fingers. "This is the Adventure Club, isn't it? Well, starting out with thirteen members is an adventure right at the start!" "Sure!" agreed Ossie. "Let's take a chance. It's only a silly what-do-you-call-it anyway." "Meaning superstition?" asked Steve. "Well, I'm agreeable.

It's stuffed we are, like the geese that grow the paty- what-do-you-call-it? Eating is our pastime. We eat when we've nothing else to do and when we've got something to do. We get eggs up here a fine man is Lord Kitchener yes, sir, eggs up here in the trenches!" When they seemed to think that I was sceptical, he produced some eggs in evidence.

The boys look so silly sometimes, rolling about together in the garden, and we have often and often said, `Don't you wish we could take their photographs? They would look such frights! We could have ever so much fun with a what-do-you-call-it?" "Ah, that's something like!" "Good business."

"Hullo-ullo-ullo-ullo-ullo-ullo-ul-Lo! Topping morning, isn't it!" observed Reggie. "The sunshine! The birds! The absolute what-do-you-call-it of everything and so forth, and all that sort of thing, if you know what I mean! I feel like a two-year-old!" George, who felt older than this by some ninety-eight years, groaned in spirit. This was more than man was meant to bear.

"Sounds pretty hopeless," said Steve as the Adventurer took up her way again. "Look at this chart and see all the places she might be, will you? It's a regular what-do-you-call-it labyrinth!" "It certainly is," agreed Joe. "And there's a lot of shallows about here, too. Where's this Plum Island he spoke of?"

"We are quite alone." "I have a great deal to say," Mrs. Cary began, in a tone of extreme injury, "and first of all, I must ask you not to interrupt me in the way you did just now before the the what-do-you-call-it? the ayah. I can not and will not stand being corrected before my own servants." "I did not correct you," Beatrice returned coldly.

However, I've got that Davis feller's address and I'll raise him the first thing to send his messages to me and I'll get 'em right down here by the reg'lar telephone. He can use that what-do-you-call-it? that code thing, if he's scart of anybody's findin' out what he says. The boss school-marm of all creation couldn't read that gibberish without the book."

'This fellow fell off the pier, and a girl brought him in. George nodded. 'And that was you? George nodded. Mr Mifflin's eyes opened wide. 'It's the heat, he declared, finally. 'That and the worry of rehearsals. I expect a doctor could give the technical name for it. It's a what-do-you-call-it an obsession. You often hear of cases.

"If you stand here askin' questions I probably shall stay to home." The housekeeper made a hasty exit by way of the back stairs. Mrs. Snow still gazed wonderingly at her husband. "Zelotes," she faltered, "are you are you " "I'm goin' to New York on to-night's boat. I've telegraphed that that Weiss Weiss what-do-you-call-it that Portygee lawyer that I'll be to his office to-morrow mornin'."