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"Your Majesty, I trust," said Heriot, "will judge me by former experience, and will not suspect me of such presumption." "I kenna," said the placable monarch; "the world goes daft, I think sed semel insanivimus omnes thou art my old and faithful servant, that is the truth; and, were't any thing for thy own behoof, man, thou shouldst not ask twice.

The former strife had been on the matter of investiture; the strife of the twelfth century was respecting jurisdiction. We sometimes hear the expression, "Without benefit of clergy," and the readers of the "Lay of the Last Minstrel" cannot have forgotten William of Deloraine's declaration, "Letter or line know I never a one, Were't my neck-verse at Harribee."

Is there a bitterer thing than distance and disdain? Upon his cheeks there bloom a pair of roses red, Blown ready to be plucked; ah God, those roses twain! Were't lawful to prostrate oneself to any else Than God, I'd sure prostrate myself upon the swain. Then rose the six girls and kissing the ground before their lord, said to him, "Judge thou between us, O our lord!"

"If he asks thee 'Canst ride? just say, 'Old Tronchon taught me; he'll be one of the young hands, indeed, if he don't know that name! And mind, lad, have no whims or caprices about whatever service he names thee for, even were't the infantry itself! It's a hard word, that! I know it well! but a man must make up his mind for any thing and every thing.

I have here mine own old breastplate and head-piece, which should, methinks, fit you, for if you have more flesh than I, I am a larger framework of a man. Ah, said I not so! Were't measured for you by Silas Thomson, the court armourer, it could not grip better. Now on with the head-piece. A close fit again.

For shou'd I live, I shou'd deprive the happier World Of Treasures, I'm too wretched to possess. And were't not pity that vast store of Beauty Shou'd, like rich Fruit, die on the yielding Boughs? Dia. And are you then resolved to be a Stranger to me? Bel. For ever! for a long Eternity! Dia. O thou'st undone me then; hast thou found out A Maid more fair, more worthy of thy Love? Look on me well.

"Were't not a shame, were't not a loss for him In this clay carcase, crippled, to abide?" Well might old Omar ponder upon this. But Zulannah had a good reason for clinging to life, in spite of the greatness of her debacle. The metal of which had been wrought the one love that had come to her in her short life had not been able to withstand the crucible of physical pain.

Aye, were't man or woman! 'For while they be folded together as thorns, and while they are drunken as drunkards, they shall be devoured as stubble fully dry!" He pushed back his heavy chair; he rose from table and went forth, tall, ancient, gray, armored in belief.

'Tis you, aunt, that have made him all so gloomy! MAX. You find yourself In your great father's arms, beloved lady! All in a new world, which does homage to you, And which, were't only by its novelty, Delights your eye.

You have held his strongest city for now five weeks. There are other cities, other adventures upon which thou wilt fight again, and again and again until thou diest, Frank Drake." "There were a many dead this morning," put in Powell, the sergeant-major. "There had been a many more were't not for the friar's remedy." Drake moved impatiently. "I would your miracle of St.