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Which led D'Entremont to remark to Stevens, as they walked away, that "Madame Goodenough was vare curus indeed!"

"Steel Spring knows 'um, and that's 'nough;" and then each man applied himself with renewed energy to drinking and smoking, and laying plans for future robberies. "I should never have known you," Steel Spring whispered, "if you hadn't have peached about the toggles vot you vas going to vare.

"A cawntrack?" said Dave, starting at the sound of his favorite word. "Very well, musheer, I sign a cawntrack and live up to it." "Vare good. Weel you have one leetle peench of snuff?" said the old man, politely opening his box. "Yes, I'm obleeged, musheer," said Dave. "Don't keer ef I do."

In a few seconds we slipped our moorings, and jib, foresail, and gaff-topsail were hauled out to the wind, and the main tack dropped, sooner than I have written it. "Vare de skepp go?" I heard the artist exclaim to the boatman; "det blăser hărdt de vind blow hard moin Gud! vare de skepp go?"

Sam threw out two or three feasible offers in the way of bets, but they fell still-born to the bottom of the coach, and Jorrocks talked to him about hunting and had the conversation all to himself, the Baron merely replying with a bow and a stare, sometimes diversified with, or "I tank you vare good."

I know not what you were with your right hand, but you are with the left vare strong, of the first force. It is certain." Payton, an expert, had been among the earliest to discern, with as much astonishment as mortification, the Colonel's skill. With a sudden sinking of the heart, he had foreseen the figure he would cut if Lemoine were worsted; he had endured a moment of great fear.

"A letter for me! and from vare?" "Amsterdam." "Shee! silence," said the Jew, leading the way into a small room, and shutting the door. Vanslyperken delivered the letter, which the Jew did not open, but laid on the table. "It vas from my worthy friend in Billen Shaaten. He ist vell?" "Quite well," replied Vanslyperken. "Ven do you sail again, Mynheer?" "To-morrow morning." "Dat is good.

"Eh bien! How you do, Mistare Sonee? Is eet dat you weel have a peench of snuff?" For the Frenchman had quite forgotten Dave's mishap in snuff-taking, and offered the snuff out of habitual complaisance. "No, musheer," said Dave, "I can't use no snuff of late yeers. 'Fection of the nose; makes me sneeze dreffle." "Oh! Eh blen! C'est comme il faut. I mean dat is all right, vare good, mistare.

And now dat ve got ralroad, dere bane t'ousan's an' t'ousan's people in Norvay, and Denmark, and Sveden and Yermany come here to Iovay, an' you an' your vife an' shildern bane big bugs. Yust vait, Yake. Maybe you see your sons in county offices an' your girls married vit bankers, an' your vife vare new calico dress every day. Yust vait, Yake.

Beth Norvell turned about in dismay, her eyes pleading, her breath quickening. "You mean we are shut in here for the night? Is n't there any way leading out?" "Oh, si, si," and Mercedes smiled, waving her hands. "Zar is vay yonder vare de orchestra goes. Eet leads to de hall; I show you." "Did he know?" "Vat? Señor Farnham? No doubt, señorita. Come, eet ees but de step."