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Well, if the old saying's true, 'Handsome is that handsome does, the little school-teacher would be the girl for me were I looking for my mate." On her way to the entrance of the main parlor, Ida stopped a moment at an open window near the corner where Stanton and Van Berg were smoking. "Cousin Ik," she said, 'sotto voce. He rose and joined her.

Mistress Plodgitt, thus early estopped of matchmaking, of course put the blame on her own sex, and went over to the stronger side the man's. "It's a great pity gals should be so curious," she said, sotto voce, to Thatcher, when Carmen was in one of her sullen moods. "Yet I s'pose it's in her blood. Them Spaniards is always revengeful, like the Eyetalians." Thatcher honestly looked his surprise.

"The moon wasn't doing anything of the kind," said Mrs. Pentecost. Pedgift Junior, foreseeing a dispute, persevered sotto voce with the accompaniment, in the interests of harmony. "Moore's own words, ma'am," said Allan, "in my mother's copy of the Melodies." "Your mother's copy was wrong," retorted Mrs. Pentecost. "Didn't I tell you just now that I knew Tom Moore by heart?"

"Side-glances" is suspicious. It "smells" Transcendentalism, as the French say, and, of all things, any aspect of a clique is to be avoided. That is the negative result of our deliberations; the positive is, that you should identify your name with the paper and called it Dwight's Musical Journal, and you might add, sotto voce, "a paper of Art and Literature."

'He's the worst of the whole lot, said Mr. Oldeschole. 'He is very bad, said Snape; 'but I rather think that perhaps, sir, Mr. Tudor is the worst of all. 'Well, I don't know, said the Secretary, muttering sotto voce to the Under-Secretary, while Mr. Snape read the letter 'Tudor, at any rate, is a gentleman. Mr. Snape read the letter, and his face grew very long.

I am delighted to see you, my boy! They tell me you have got a capital estate and plenty of ready. Lord, we so wanted you, as there's scarcely a fellow with sixpence among us. Give me the lad that can do a bit of paper at three months, and always be ready for a renewal. You haven't got a twenty-pound note?" This was said sotto voce. "Never mind; ten will do.

But to return to Mrs Wilkins, who, having executed her commission with great dispatch, though at fifteen miles distance, brought back such a confirmation of the schoolmaster's guilt, that Mr Allworthy determined to send for the criminal, and examine him viva voce.

Somerfield, who was sitting on her other side, insisted at last upon diverting her attention. "Penelope," he declared, lowering his voice a little, "it isn't fair. You never have a word to say to me when the Prince is here." She smiled. "You must remember that he is going away very soon, Charlie," she reminded him. "Good job, too!" Somerfield muttered, sotto voce.

The business had been arranged while Larry was in Paris, and the expostulations that might have prevailed if delivered viva voce, failed of their effect when presented on foreign paper, in Cousin Dick's illegible scrawl. It was all very fine for Larry, ran the illegible scrawl, to talk of selling at such a price, but he ought to see what a hole his doing so put his neighbours in!

And it is hard to side-step an unheralded stroke from behind. "Well," he said unemotionally, "it's his first move." "Hes last, yuh mean," muttered Red sotto voce, "fer I am to be first if he bats hes eye." But aloud he merely said, "That's what," and took a fresh chew of plug. Douglass's perplexity as how his coup was to be executed increased with every passing hour.