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Florence burlesqued a polite interest. "How virry considerate of you! Then, perhaps you'll try to be a gentleman enough for one simple moment to allow me to tell you my last remarks on this subject. I've said enough " "Oh, have you?" Herbert interrupted with violent sarcasm. "Oh, no! Say not so! Florence, say not so!"

"Yer doan't mean aboard this yere ship?" "Ay, faith," said Mick coolly; "it wor aboord this virry ship, begorrah!" "Lor'!" stammered out `greeny, whose face we could see was quite pale from the light of the ship's lantern near, it having got dark now on the lower deck through the closing in of the evening early, we being still in tropical latitudes. "I thort them things only came on land."

Marrier, now back at the table after a successful expedition, beamed over his ice: "It was your 'Constance' that led to your friendship with the Countess of Chell, wasn't it, Ra-ose? You know," he turned to Edward Henry, "Miss Euclid and the Countess are virry intimate." "Yes, I know," said Edward Henry. Rose Euclid continued to blush. Her agitated hand scratched the back of the chair behind her.

"Bedad," said he unflinchingly, "the banshees, sure, the saints presairve the good people from harmin' us! Can take virry good care ov thimselves; but, faith, if ye'd ivver sane wun, ye'd spake more rispictfully ov thim, sure!"

"Well, Fosset," he cried at length, unable to restrain himself any longer. "What do you make it?" "39° 20 minutes north latitude sir, and 47° 15 minutes west longitude." "Faith, an' I make it the same, sir," also put in Garry O'Neil, the twain having worked out the reckoning long before the poor skipper. "Both of us agree to the virry minnit, sure, lavin' out the sicconds, sir!"

"Houly Moses!" he ejaculated; "why that's the virry job for me, sure. Here, Weston, you ugly thaife of a son of a gun, come here!