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I remember the flattering invitation it is the classic tag that clings to the graduate long after he has forgotten the gender of the nouns that end in 'um orator proximus', the grateful voice said, 'ascendat, videlicet, and so forth.

The third, videlicet the Philip and Mary, arrived in the Thames nigh London the eighteenth day of April, in the year of our Lord 1557.

Clipeus erat vacuus, in quo olim fuisse dicebant laminam aeream, et eius in ea itidem caelata insignia, Leonem videlicet argenteum, cui ad pectus lunula rubea in campo caeruleo, quem Limbus ambiret denticulatus ex auro.

The Baron of Bradwardine being asked what he thought of these recruits, took a long pinch of snuff, and answered drily, 'that he could not but have an excellent opinion of them, since they resembled precisely the followers who attached themselves to the good King David at the cave of Adullam; VIDELICET, every one that was in distress, and every one that was in debt, and every one that was discontented, which the Vulgate renders bitter of soul; and doubtless, he said 'they will prove mighty men of their hands, and there is much need that they should, for I have seen many a sour look cast upon us.

Moreover, I was greatly vexed with my own hesitation, stupidity, or shyness, or whatever else it was, which had held me back from saying, ere she told her story, what was in my heart to say, videlicet, that I must die unless she let me love her.

Most of them had lost their sticks, it being a usage in fights of this kind to twist the cudgels from the grasp of the beaten men, to prevent them from rallying. They soon, however, furnished themselves with the best they could find, videlicet, the skull, leg, thigh, and arm bones, which they found lying about the grave-yard.

"How could you expect it, Charley, my worthy nepos." said the schoolmaster "These sprigs of classicality, when once they get under the wing of the collegium aforesaid, which, like a comfortable, well-feathered old bird of the stubble, warms them into what is ten times better than celebrity videlicet, snug and independent dulness these sprigs, I say, especially, when their parents or instructors happen to be poor, fight shy of the frieze and caubeen at home, and avoid the risk of resuscitating old associations.

And if any one thread videlicet I should claim to have any separate existence or any little tender feeling by itself, immediately the manager of the Great Sanitary Fair says, "Hush! lie down! you are nothing but a part of the blanket." But a truce to nonsense. Since writing the foregoing, the news has come from Atlanta.

"Mores autem Scotorum secundum diversitatem linguarum variantur; duabus enim utuntur linguis, Scotica videlicet, et Teutonica; cujus linguae gens maritimas possidet et planas regiones: linguae vero gens Scoticae montanas inhabitat, et insulas ulteriores.

And the twenty-third of the said month of July they were justiced, and in this manner. Videlicet, Filarete and Domenico, having been removed from the cage, were dragged on hurdles as far as the square of San Joanni, and Frate Garofalo went on an ass, all of them crowned with paper mitres. Frate Garofalo was hanged to the elm-tree of the square.