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Beresford remarked aloud that the bride's room was like the lion's den in the fable, "'Vestigia nulla retrorsum." At last the situation became intolerable to Coventry. He rose, in desperation, and said, with a ghastly attempt at a smile, that he must, nevertheless, face the dangers of the place himself, as the carriage was now packed, and Mrs.

How ends it all! Could I sit but for twelve hours in the innermost heart of that Alfred Fletwode; could I see how, step by step from his childhood, the dishonest son was avariciously led on by the honest father to depart from the old vestigia of Fletwodes of Fletwode, scorning The Enough to covet The More, gaining The More to sigh, 'It is not The Enough, I think I might show that the age lives in a house of glass, and had better not for its own sake throw stones on the felon!"

"Nec tu divinam Aeneida tenta: Sed longe sequere et vestigia semper adora." At twenty- two years of age he came to Rome, Nero being then on the throne.

He spared neither his fortune nor his person, as soon as hostilities were inevitable. He subscribed two thousand pounds to the public cause, took a colonel's commission, and raised a regiment of infantry, so well known during the war for its green uniform, and the celebrated motto of its intrepid leader, "Vestigia nulla retrorsum."

It is just as well that they should, for, of all deaths to die, the loneliest and the most to be dreaded is that by extreme old age. These vestigia or remnants instances of apparently hidebound conservatism on nature's part are very much in the public eye at present, partly on account of their novelty and of their exceptional and extraordinary character.

His spirits, hitherto buoyant and gladsome, now fell, and despondency and despair succeeded vivacity and hope. He abandoned himself to grief and vexation, lingered behind his retreating army, and was reckless of his men and of their welfare. And well he may have been depressed. The motto of Hampden, "Vestigia nulla retrorsum," had also governed him.

And then, again, as 'twere yesterday, I hear Hampden's drums and fifes in the lanes, and see the rebels' flag with that hateful legend, 'Vestigia nulla retrorsum, and Buckinghamshire peasants are under arms, and the King and his people have begun to hate and fear each other." "None foresaw that the war would last so long or end in murder, I doubt, sir," said Angela.

I want now to find an equine reliance whose motto is "Nulla vestigia retrorsum," or "No steps backward." I have pasted Mr. Hale's famous motto, "Look forward and not back," over her stall but with no effect. The "Lend a Hand" applies to those we yell for when the backing is going on. By the way, a witty woman said the other day that men always had the advantage.

Be they what they may, the Absolute will father them. Like the sick lion in Esop's fable, all footprints lead into his den, but nulla vestigia retrorsum. You cannot redescend into the world of particulars by the Absolute's aid, or deduce any necessary consequences of detail important for your life from your idea of his nature.

Thomson seems to me a gentleman of some choice qualities, though perhaps a trifle bloody-minded. David, is a sore embarrassment. But you are doubtless quite right to adhere to him; indubitably, he adhered to you. It comes we may say he was your true companion; nor less paribus curis vestigia figit, for I dare say you would both take an orra thought upon the gallows.