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Others, with less propriety, refer it to the gulfs and bays, which so mark the Baltic and the German Oceans. Insularum spatia. Islands of vast extent, viz. Funen, Zealand, &c. Plin. Nat. Nuper regibus. Understand with this clause ut compertum est.

But when Doctor Hall attested that he had himself weighed it and seen it tip that very notch, Island McGill held its breath and accepted whatever report Sara Dack made of the infant's progress or appetite. And once again Margaret Henan carried a babe to Belfast and had it christened Samuel. "Oz good oz gold ut was," said Sara Dack to me.

He leaned forward in his chair, punctuating his remarks with stabs of a huge forefinger upon the other's knee. "Misther Appleton, Moncrossen hated um! An' ivery man along th' river that day knows that av ut wuzn't fer Moncrossen, th' greener'd be livin' this minit ondly we can't pr-roove ut.

Quæ tria ut verissima sunt et naturali ratione mira tamen constant, cujus superius mentionem fecimus, ita illud confictum nasci pueros e mulieribus absque concubitu." De Subtilitate, p. 353. Ranke, History of the Popes, vol. i. p. 246. Mr. De Vita Propria, ch. xxii. p. 63. "Multa de dæmonibus narrabat, quæ quam vera essent nescio." De Utilitate, p. 348. De Varietate, p. 351. Ibid., p. 658.

Yet, when it occurs to a man that, in this Do ut des, the general Do was either a temple or a sacrifice, naturally it occurs to ask what was a sacrifice? I am afraid that the dark murderous nature of the pagan gods is here made apparent. Modern readers, who have had no particular reason for reflecting on the nature and management of a sacrifice, totally misconceive it.

Addison. 'Ac ne forte putes, me, que facere ipse recusem, Cum recte tractant alii, laudare maligne; Ille per extentum funem mihi fosse videtur Ire Poeta, meum qui pectus inaniter angit, Irritat, mulcet, falsis terroribus implet, Ut magus; et modo me Thebis, modo ponit Athenis. Hor.

The music stopped, and the women were dead dumb an' I crooked my legs like a shepherd on a china basin, an' I did the ghost-waggle with my feet as I had done ut at the rig'mental theatre many times, an' I slid acrost the width av that temple in front av the she-god tootlin' on the beer bottle." "Wot did you toot?" demanded Ortheris the practical. "Me? Oh!"

Some day meself, whin I have leisure, I'll take ut up along the road an' dishpose av ut. 'How? said I, for I knew the man was capable of anything. 'Get into ut, av coorse, and keep wan eye open through the curtains. Whin I see a likely man av the native persuasion, I will descind blushin' from my canopy and say, "Buy a palanquin, ye black scutt?"

Grotius, who perceived this difficulty, replied so singularly that his words deserve to be quoted: Bene sperandum de hominibus, ac propterea non putandum eos hoc esse animo ut, rei caducae causa, hominem alterum velint in perpetuo peccato versari, quo d evitari saepe non poterit sine tali derelictione.

XXXIII. Excepere orationem alacres, ut barbaris moris, cantu et fremitu clamoribusque dissonis.