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And first it may be stated that the range-finder is largely a measure of mere economy. A two-million-dollar cruiser is not sailed, or lost, as a mere pastime. Whoever aims best will win the fight. Ten years ago the way of finding distance, or range, which is the same thing, was experimental.

Now that it has been built, he is no longer interested. I do not believe he actually got as much satisfaction out of his two-million-dollar investment as he would get out of an evening at the Hippodrome; but who can say that he is not charitable? I lay stress on this matter of charity because essentially the charitable man is the good man.

She has to work for a living, and any time there's a potentially fine, two-million-dollar husband like Joey lying round loose I like to see some deserving working girl land the cuss. As a matter of fact, it's almost a crime to steer her against Joey in his present state.

Now it was different. She had gone over to the Rodaines, she was engaged to marry the chalky-faced, hook-nosed son and she was vice-president of their two-million-dollar mining corporation. Fairchild did not even strive to find a meaning for it all; women are women, and men do well sometimes if they diagnose themselves. The summer began to grow old, and Fairchild felt that he was aging with it.

Red spots of anger were flashing before Fairchild's eyes. "You 've said it! That's why they were so anxious to buy us out. And that's why they started this two-million-dollar stock proposition, when they found they could n't do it. They knew if we ever 'it that vein that it would n't be any time until they 'd be caught on the job.

"One of our number," said I, as calmly as if a two-million-dollar transaction were common at Lattimore, "can meet you in Chicago at any time. When will this contract be drawn?" "Call to-morrow morning say at ten. Show them in," this last to his clerk, "Good-morning, Mr. Barslow."

"Our interest in those properties is a two-million-dollar cash item." "It wouldn't be two million cents," said Jim, "if our friends on Wall Street could hear this talk. They'd wait to buy at receiver's sale after some Black Friday. Of course, that's what Pendleton and Wade have been counting on from the first." "You ought to see Halliday and Pendleton at once," said I.

Before him was a six-column advertisement, announcing the strike in the Silver Queen mine and also spreading the word that a two-million-dollar company would be formed, one million in stock to represent the mine itself, the other to be subscribed to exploit this new find as it should be exploited.

Philip was up to all the fine points of the game, and the imitation he gave of layin' out a two-million-dollar factory site along Sucker Brook was perfect, even to loadin' his transit and target jugglers into a tourin' car right in front of the Rockhurst Trust Company. Maybe that's how it come to be noised around that the Western Electric Company was goin' to locate a big plant on the tract.

We will repeat this operation eighteen times in New York so that our visitor will fancy he has seen one million eight hundred thousand dollars' worth of bonds in all, after which he will come to Newport, where I will show them to him twice more making a two-million-dollar show-down. See?" I toppled back into a chair in sheer amazement. "By Jingo! but you are a wonder," I cried. "If it only works."