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Augustus was adopted on the 19th of August, began his consulate, conquered the Triumviri, and died the same day. The christians have observed that the 24th of February was four times fortunate to Charles the fifth.

A further case of extreme severity was that of P. Munatius, who was condemned by the Triumviri to be put in chains for having crowned himself with flowers from the statue of Marsyas.

What decided the victory against him? What orders were issued by the Triumviri or this occasion? By whom was his deliverance attempted? How did he accomplish this? What was the consequence? Relate the circumstances of their interview? What happened to Brutus in the mean time? How did he attempt to gain intelligence, and what followed his disappointment? Relate the manner of his death?

Cornelius had not heard of the young man’s troubles, and was full of consternation at the news. “What! Agellius really a Christian?” he said, “and at such a moment? Why, I thought you talked of some young lady who was to keep him in order?” “She’s a Christian too,” replied Jucundus; and a silence ensued. “It’s a bad world!” he continued. “She’s imprisoned by the Triumviri.

It was agreed that they three should adopt the title so beautifully ironical of Triumviri reipublicæ constituendæ, and share the power and the provinces among them. Gaul was to be Antony's; Spain fell to the lot of Lepidus, and Africa, Sardinia, and Sicily were to belong to Octavius.

Brutus, surrounded by the most valiant of his officers, fought long with amazing valour. The son of Cato, and the brother of Cassius, fell fighting by his side. At last, he was obliged to yield to necessity, and fled. 20. In the mean time, the two Triumviri, assured of victory, expressly ordered that the general should by no means be suffered to escape.

Thus a general peace was concluded, to the great satisfaction of the people, who now expected an end to all their calamities. Questions for Examination. What ensued on the death of Brutus? Were the triumviri possessed of equal power? What were their first measures? By what were the people most affected? What observation has been made on these events?

He muttered an oath, and said to the soldiers, “Well, my lads, to the Triumviri with her, since it must be so. Cheer up, my star of the morning, bright beam of Hellas, it is only as a matter of form, and you will be set at liberty as soon as they look on you.” And with these words he led the way to the Officium.

All the rest of our gold, silver, and coined brass, let us immediately carry to the triumviri for banking affairs, no decree of the senate having been previously made; that our voluntary contributions, and our emulation in assisting the state, may excite the minds, first, of the equestrian order to emulate us, and after them of the rest of the community.

The consular triumviri, not perhaps quite independent of external influences, were originally adopted as a temporary expedient. The tribunes, who next succeeded, had a duration of two hundred and fifty years.