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The moonlit hours passed by on silver wings, the twinkling stars looked friendly down upon him. Confiding in their youthful sentinel, sound slept the valorous toxophilites, as up and down, and there and back again, marched on the noble Childe.

Nor was he more encouraged than had been Mr Thorne, by the idea of being attacked from behind by the bag of flour which Miss Thorne had graphically described to him. 'Well, I don't know about riding, Miss Thorne, said he; 'I fear I'm not quite prepared. Miss Thorne sighed, but said nothing further. She left the toxophilites to their bows and arrows, and returned towards the house.

Here the gardens of the place encroached with a somewhat wide sweep upon the paddock, and gave ample room for the doings of the toxophilites. Miss Thorne got together such daughters of Diana as could bend a bow, and marshalled them to the targets.

Here the gardens of the place encroached with a somewhat wide sweep upon the paddock and gave ample room for the doings of the toxophilites. Miss Thorne got together such daughters of Diana as could bend a bow and marshalled them to the targets.

Thorne by the idea of being attacked from behind by the bag of flour, which Miss Thorne had graphically described to him. "Well, I don't know about riding, Miss Thorne," said he; "I fear I'm not quite prepared." Miss Thorne sighed but said nothing further. She left the toxophilites to their bows and arrows and returned towards the house.

Those who are interested in the archaeology of the bow should read the volume on archery of the Badminton Library by Longmans. Various peoples have excelled in shooting, notably the Japanese, the Turks, the Scythians, and the English. Others have not been suited by temperament to use the bow. The Latins, the Peruvians, and the Irish seem never to have been toxophilites.

This adventure bound Wolfgang heart and soul to his gallant preserver; and the archers it being now morning, and the cocks crowing lustily round about pursued their way without further delay to the castle of the noble patron of toxophilites, the gallant Duke of Cleves.