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Stalky and Co. had fallen at last fallen by drink. They had been drinking. They had returned blind-drunk from a hut. They were even now lying hopelessly intoxicated on the dormitory floor. A few bold spirits crept up to look, and received boots about the head from the criminals. "We've got him got him on the Caudine Toasting-fork!" said Stalky, after those hints were taken.

Or perhaps, if I achieve great success, obtain a commission to put up an elaborate tombstone over a prebendary's widow, a dead lady with a Grecian nose, a bandeau, and an intricate lace veil; lying of course on a marble sofa, from among the legs of which Death will be creeping out and poking at his victim with a small toasting-fork.

I don't know much about using 'em, but I should say the way's to handle 'em as you would a toasting-fork on a slice o' bread, these here savage chaps being the bread." "Or," said Billy, making a thrust through a bush, "like a skewer in a chicken.

For the two first and most active robbers having finished the achievement of the horses, now approached Mauleverer; and the taller of them, still indignant at the late peril to his hair, cried out in a stentorian voice, "By Jove! you old fool, if you don't throw down your toasting-fork, I'll be the death of you!" The speaker suited the action to the word by cocking an immense pistol.

Tell her I'll hang it up in my bed-room, where I can see it every morning as soon as I wake. Have you told her that? or shall I write it on her slate? Hullo! here comes the tea. And, by heavens, a whole bagful of muffins! What!!! the kitchen fire's too black to toast them. I'll undertake the whole lot in the drawing academy. Here, Patty, give us the toasting-fork: I'm going to begin.

At this point, the cook rushed out with a toasting-fork and militantly ranged herself by Nadezhda's side, exclaiming: "See what comes of not having a single muzhik in the house!"

There Kitty was found, too much frightened, to run away, making lunges with the toasting-fork at a black-bearded figure, who held in his arms Charlotte Arnold, in a fit of the almost forgotten hysterics.

In another corner, Max discovered a rusty gridiron and sauce-pan, a small iron pot and a toasting-fork, upon which he pounced with the eagerness of a miser lighting upon hidden treasures.

"Here's the honored guest of the evening arrived before I've swabbed down the decks," cried Zack, jogging his friend in the ribs with the long handle of the mop. "How are you, to-night?" said Mat, with familiar ease, not moving from the frying-pan, but getting his right hand free to offer to Mr. Blyth by taking the pewter toasting-fork between his teeth.

The next day though it blew a short squall of tears when I took leave of my mother and climbed aboard the coach was scarcely less glorious. I wore my uniform, and nursed my toasting-fork proudly across my knees; and the passengers one and all made much of me, in a manner which I never allowed to derogate into coddling.