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The clerks take no notice, and the poor old follow props himself against the wall, not daring to take a chair. He is a witness. He can neither read nor write, but he can recollect 'thuck ould tree, and can depose to a fact worth perhaps hundreds of pounds.

'He can't stroddle thuck puddle, you: can a'? 'He be going to try: a' will leave his shoe in it. Such were the remarks that passed between two agricultural women who from behind the hedge were watching the approach of the curate along a deep miry lane.

"But thot's their way 'we regret tull note, 'we beg tull advise, 'we recommend, 'we canna understand' an' the like o' thot. Domned cargo tank! An' they would thunk I could drive her like a Lucania, an' wi'out burnun' coals. There was thot propeller. I was after them a guid while for ut. The old one was iron, thuck on the edges, an' we couldna make our speed.

"Yes," I said. "And think of the woods the bluebells and anemones! You remember Folly Wood?" He smiled. "Ah, that I do: I mind digging out an old vixen up there, when 'er 'ad gone to earth, and the 'ounds with their tails up a-hollering like music. The Badminton was out that day. I were allus very fond o' thuck wood. My brother be squire's keeper there.

And yet, as Birdalone's Nannie once announced, "If you thuck 'em they thay boo-ful!" And I guess it must be a good deal the same with marriage. You can't even afford to lay down on your job of loving. The more we ask, the more we must give.

'Eez, zur, he would reply, 'uz did thuck job isterday. His master had ordered him to do it the day before, but was oblivious that twenty-four hours had passed. The middle-aged men stood this continuous drinking without much harm, their constitutions having become hardened and 'set, but it killed off numbers of the younger men.

And our Capt'n posted some on us at top of cellar steps and led the rest on us up the stairs to a kind o' tallet where thuck machine-gun was. And what d'ye think we found, sir?" he said, raising himself on his elbow. "What?" "There was a poor girl there half daft she wur wi' nothing on but a man's overcoat.

"Dudna thot domned mate-fellow nigh putt me ashore twice on the one passage through? He was a eediot, a lunatuc. I wouldna have hum on the brudge a munut. Comun' tull Narrow Reach, thuck weather, wuth snow squalls, me un the chart-room, dudna I guv hum the changed course? 'South-east-by-east, I told hum. 'South-east-by-east, sir, says he. Fufteen munuts after I comes on tull the brudge.

These he placed on the table, remarking, 'I ain't forgot as you drawed I out of the raud thuck night. I made him understand that such presents were too embarrassing; but he seemed anxious to do 'summat, so I asked him to find me a few ferns and rare plants. This he did from time to time; and thus a species of acquaintanceship grew up, and I learned all about him.

Many a toime we childern went moochin' in thuck wood nutting and bird-nesting. Though I never did hold wi' taking more'n one egg out of a nest, and I allus did wet my vinger avore I touched the moss on a wren's nest. They do say as the little bird 'ull never go back if ye doant." His mind went roaming among childhood's memories and his eyes took on a dreaming look.