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They send a letter tull Captun Robinson for no savun' them the fufteen pounds, an' tull me: 'We note item of two guineas doctor's fee at Auckland for crew. Please explain thus onusual expunditure. Ut was two o' the Chinks. I was thunkun' they hod beri-beri, an' thot was the why o' sendun' for the doctor. I buried the two of them ot sea not a week after.

We got a-talkun' about ports an' places down Australia-way, an' first thing he says: 'Speakun' o' Auckland of course, Captun, you was never un Auckland? 'Yus, I says, 'I was un there very recent. 'Oh, ho, he says, very angry-like, 'so you was the smart Aleck thot fetched me thot letter from the owners: "We note item of fufteen pounds for pilotage ot Auckland.

A shup o' ours was un tull Auckland recently an' uncurred no such charge. We beg tull advise you thot we conseeder thus pilotage an onnecessary expense which should no be uncurred un the future." "But dud they say a word tull me for the fufteen pounds I saved tull them? No a word.

"Dudna thot domned mate-fellow nigh putt me ashore twice on the one passage through? He was a eediot, a lunatuc. I wouldna have hum on the brudge a munut. Comun' tull Narrow Reach, thuck weather, wuth snow squalls, me un the chart-room, dudna I guv hum the changed course? 'South-east-by-east, I told hum. 'South-east-by-east, sir, says he. Fufteen munuts after I comes on tull the brudge.