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Updated: August 16, 2024

You aren't the first soakin' wet mortal that has been on it. No, you mind me and stay still.... Primmie!" "Yes'm. Here I be." "Did you get the doctor on the 'phone?" "Yes'm. He said he'd be right down soon's ever he could. He was kind of fussy 'long at fust; said he hadn't had no supper and was wet through, and all such talk's that. But I headed HIM off, my savin' soul, yes!

No talents, none, no poetry, any amount of capacity for work, an immense memory, an intellect not deep nor varied, but sound and quick, dry as dust, and force, and even the gift of the gab when the talk's about his between ourselves let it be said tedious Bulgaria. What! do you say I am unjust?

Hobbs said she shouldn't wonder if he knocked my my head right off." "Knocked your head off! Who?" "Him." She raised her hand and pointed a shaking finger straight at Captain Shadrach. All three of her hearers were surprised, of course, but in the case of the Captain himself amazement was coupled with righteous indignation. "Wha-what?" he stammered. "Who said so? What kind of talk's that?

Suppose the marshal speaks up and says if the talk's all right?" The tall man moved uneasily. He fingered the badge on his breast for a moment, and then he put an arm around the old woman and drew her close to him. She smiled the unchanging mother smile of three-score years, and patted his big brown hand with her crooked, mittened fingers while her son spake.

Wharncliffe. "Yes. And now, he wants to know whether Jesus is the Messiah." "Is he in earnest, or talking for talk's sake?" "Oh, in earnest, sir! very much in earnest." There came a sudden veil over the clear blue eyes that looked down at Matilda; then their owner said, "I must take you home with me." It was not far, down a cross street. Mr.

"Is," he said, slowly, "it is a mighty good thing for the Seven Wise Men of Greece that they ain't alive now." It was Issachar's turn to stare. "Eh?" he queried. "The Seven Wise Men of Which? Good thing for 'em they ain't alive? What kind of talk's that? Why is it a good thing?" Laban spoke over his shoulder.

An' we none of us ever thought of it as rustlin'." Helen could only stare her surprise and doubt at this statement. "Talk's cheap anywhere, an' in the West talk ain't much at all," continued Beasley. "I'm no talker. I jest want to tell my case an' make a deal if you'll have it. I can prove more in black an' white, an' with witness, than you can. Thet's my case.

He was a man who loved talk for talk's sake, who had an almost maternal fondness for the sound of his own voice, and who petted and cajoled and patted and moulded his phrases and sentences as an indulgent mother might humor a child or a school-girl dress and adorn a doll.

"Maybe I do, Kenelm, but you mean so much to me. I just can't let you go." "Go! I ain't goin' nowheres, am I? What kind of talk's that?" "And to think you'd heave away that umbrella the umbrella I gave you! That's what makes me feel so bad. A nice, new, gilt-plated umbrella " "I never hove it away. I I well, I left it somewheres, I I cal'late. I'll go look for it after breakfast.

Ain't you been settin' in that office of yours waitin' and waitin' for somethin' worth while to come along? And now a really big chance does come, and you say you don't know as you'll take it! What kind of talk's that, I'd like to know!" John smiled. Miss Howes, who seemed as much surprised as the others, did not smile. "Why won't you take it?" demanded the captain. "Oh, I don't know.

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