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"It is clear," said our hero, "that we shall have to pass the night here, for there is no sign of human habitation, and the light is failing fast." "That's so," said Muggins curtly. "I'm a'feard on it," observed Old Peter with a sigh. "Faix, I wouldn't mind spindin' the night," said Larry, "av it worn't that we've got no grub.

If I wouldn't like to get me fingers on that haythen; never goin' to confission, spindin' ivrything on himself you naded for dacent livin'! Lit him come! Just lit him come!"

If I wint over there 'tis little time I'd be spindin' thryin' to discover how th' wondhers iv mechanical janius are projooced that makes livin' so much more healthy an' oncomfortable.

Av ye do thot Oi promise ye Oi'll see that nivver a bit av throuble do ye get into. Av ye refuse it's more than wan year ye'll be afther spindin' in jail fer your foolishness." The Indian had listened with the frown growing deeper. "Mebbe you go back on me?" he questioned. "Mebbe you tell um Merriwell Red Ben help carry off gal?" "Oi didn't have to tell him.

Wisha! he's got too much tongue, and he's spindin' me money for me." But Biddy pretended to be falling asleep. This was not the first time that the honest pair had felt anxiety creeping into their pride about Dan.

"I've been thinkin'," said Terry, "that bein' as how we started from Greville to j'in the Hunters of the Ozark, with the idaa of spindin' the winter with the same, that from the time we started we were mimbers of the same, but timporarily separated by a wide stritch of woods; what are yer own idaas?"

He thried to live down his crime without success an' he thried to live down to it be runnin' f'r congress, but it was no go. No matther where he wint among his counthrymen in England some wan wud find out he was bor-rn in New York an' th' man that ownded th' house where he was spindin' th' night wud ast him if he was a cannibal an' had he anny Indyan blood in his veins.