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The forms ta and toi of Amwi, and Lakadong, respectively, still more closely correspond with the Mon-Khmer languages than with Khasi. Here compare Nancowry tei and ti, or ti of the Kol languages. Blood. Palaung hnam, and Wa nam closely correspond with Khasi snám; here compare Khmêr iham. Horn: Mon, grang, the horn of an animal, may be compared with the Khasi reng. Far. Distant.

"Where are you going?" "Ne snam," he answered, staring hopelessly before him. Wounded men were everywhere, tottering and hobbling along, for none wanted to be taken prisoners. Some had ship's biscuit, which they tried to soften in the dirty ditch water, others were lapping like dogs out of the puddles.

We asked a loiterer for the colonel's office. He pointed. We climbed yet another stair and found a pair of large rooms; they were empty. Town papers were scattered on the floor, one table was overturned. A man lounged in. "Where is the colonel?" we asked. "Ne snam bogami," he said, twisting a cigarette. "Well, find out," said Jan. He lounged away and presently returned with another.

At last we decided to risk seven o'clock in the evening, and the four orderlies and ourselves, copper tray and all, bade farewell to the Belgian sisters, who had cut off their hair, and wandered across to the station. The train arrived two hours late and stood, ready to go out, guarded by tatterdemalions with guns. "You can't get in yet," said one of them barring our way. "Why?" "Ne snam."