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'Frien'less has a white foot on de off front laig and besides dat he has a rough-feeling scab on de belly whar he done rip hisself somehow befo' I gits him. Dis dawg am smooth as a possum. "That settles all arguments. You can't fool a swipe 'bout a hoss he's taken care of. He knows every hair on him. "One day I'm clockin' this Alcyfras while a exercise-boy sends him seven-eights.

Why is it, then, that so much of misinformation and contempt is widespread concerning Africa and its people, not simply among the unthinking mass, but among men of education and knowledge? One reason lies undoubtedly in the connotation of the term "Negro." In North America a Negro may be seven-eights white, since the term refers to any person of Negro descent.

On Monday, however, the stock took an unexpected rise, and for two or three days held its own with a firmness which greatly encouraged its holders. Fenton had bought the bulk of his shares at two and seven-eights, and still held them, notwithstanding the rumors of disaster in the air.

A moment after, Voltaire turned to me again and said that as I was a Venetian I must know Count Algarotti. "I know him, but not because I am a Venetian, as seven-eights of my dear countrymen are not even aware of his existence." "I should have said, as a man of letters."

A moment after, Voltaire turned to me again and said that as I was a Venetian I must know Count Algarotti. "I know him, but not because I am a Venetian, as seven-eights of my dear countrymen are not even aware of his existence." "I should have said, as a man of letters."

The ship let down, while the six combat-cars which had accompanied her buzzed the Palace roof, strafing it to keep it clear, and the Kragans aboard fired with their rifles. She came to rest on seven-eights weight reduction, and even before the gangplanks were run out, the Kragans were dropping to the flat roof, running to stairhead penthouses and tossing grenades into them.

In the morning, the story being finished and the other seven-eights of brain at liberty to dwell upon the same question, he decided to follow me, with the result that in the afternoon I rode in the wagon.

But they are kept short, and I think are oftener whipped for stealing something to eat than any other crime. On plantations their food is principally hommony, as the southerners call it. It is simply cracked corn boiled. This probably constitutes seven-eights of their living.

The latter was in reality a concoction consisting of about seven-eights of chickory, and the other eighth, but what the remaining eighth was only the cook could have told.

"Yes, but you are talking to the wrong man." "We can get you Hong Kongs at seventy-four and seven-eights." "Bother Hong Kongs, and you too. I tell you, you are talking to the wrong man. I've told you once." "Once what?" "Why, that I am the wrong man I mean that you are talking to the wrong man." "Who are you?" "Eight-one-nine, Jones." "Oh, aren't you one-nine-eight?" "No." "Oh, good-bye."