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The buck had two big scent-glands beside the nostrils; in the doe these were rudimentary. On this day Kermit also came across a herd of the big, fierce white-lipped peccary; at the sound of their grunting Nips promptly spurred his horse and took to his heels, explaining that the peccaries would charge them, hamstring the horses, and kill the riders.

Disuse, effects of, in producing rudimentary organs; and use of parts, effects of; of parts, influence of, on the races of men. Divorce, freedom of, among the Charruas. Dixon, E.S., on the pairing of different species of geese; on the courtship of peafowl. Dobrizhoffer, on the marriage-customs of the Abipones. Dobson, Dr., on the Cheiroptera; scent-glands of bats; frugivorous bats.

Batokas, knocking out two upper incisors. Batrachia, eagerness of male. Bats, scent-glands; sexual differences in the colour of; fur of male frugivorous. Battle, law of; among beetles; among birds; among mammals; in man. Beak, sexual difference in the forms of the; in the colour of the. Beaks, of birds, bright colours of.

Owen, Prof., on the Corpora Wolffiana; on the great toe in man; on the nictitating membrane and semilunar fold; on the development of the posterior molars in different races of man; on the length of the caecum in the Koala; on the coccygeal vertebrae; on rudimentary structures belonging to the reproductive system; on abnormal conditions of the human uterus; on the number of digits in the Ichthyopterygia; on the canine teeth in man; on the walking of the chimpanzee and orang; on the mastoid processes in the higher apes; on the hairiness of elephants in elevated districts; on the caudal vertebrae of monkeys; classification of mammalia; on the hair in monkeys; on the piscine affinities of the Ichthyosaurians; on polygamy and monogamy among the antelopes; on the horns of Antilocapra Americana; on the musky odour of crocodiles during the breeding season; on the scent-glands of snakes; on the Dugong, Cachalot, and Ornithorhynchus; on the antlers of the red deer; on the dentition of the Camelidae; on the horns of the Irish elk; on the voice of the giraffe, porcupine, and stag; on the laryngeal sac of the gorilla and orang; on the odoriferous glands of mammals; on the effects of emasculation on the vocal organs of men; on the voice of Hylobates agilis; on American monogamous monkeys.

Saviotti, Dr., division of malar bone. Saw-fly, pugnacity of a male. Saw-flies, proportions of the sexes in. Saxicola rubicola, young of. Scalp, motion of the. Scent-glands in snakes.