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The next entry was: "On the Orient Express, or what was the O.E. before the 'Grosse General Stab' took over the whole job of mixing up these schedules.... Well, well, well, the veiled lady of the Métropole and Buckingham is in trouble in the next compartment ... at least so she says!... She just came into my compartment and said she had been insulted by the man who is sharing it with her.... Confound him!... BUT ... Now I've heard of such 'plants' before.... While I'd like to go in there and kick the brute through the partitions I believe discretion is the better part of valor.... Let her call the guard if the case needs attention.... The guard is a reservist and I believe she knows it.... Furthermore, I must be at Donaustrasse 24, Budapest, tomorrow, and meet Colonel Shuvalov at the Hotel de Paris, Belgrade, the day after.... I wonder if that petit Paris looks the same as when I met my old friend Count Arthur Zu Weringrode and Kazimir Galitzyn coquetting with Cecilia Coursan, Mlle.

The strongest is in Alsace-Lorraine and along the Rhine; the second in importance garrisoning the Prussian-Russian border. Every German reservist, or otherwise, knows the reporting place of his district and has to report there when notified within twenty-four hours. The penalties for noncompliance are high even in peace times. In the event of war or martial law they are absolutely stringent.

While he was on his knees lighting the space under the bed, the gunner whispered furtively to Wolf, "The other man has escaped." At first the reservist did not understand. Escaped? How was that possible? He looked round the cell, and was unable to imagine how any one could escape from such a place.

Before sunset the regiments, all on a war-footing, had left the city." Every layman knows that a reservist cannot enter a barracks in civilian attire, and emerge five minutes later in full war-kit ready for the march. The German Imperial Chancellor affirms that not one of them had been called up before five o'clock in the afternoon of that day.

The reservist heard him go along the passage to Findeisen's cell. Shortly after, the click of the spurs was again audible passing his door, and then everything was as still as before. Wolf lay on the bed and munched hard lumps of bread, from time to time taking a drink of water.

And above all, who was the man and had he been watching when I tossed that wretched extra across the rail? I saw something of him, of course, as time went on. Naturally we four bold spirits, the ubiquitous McGuntrie, Van Blarcom, the young reservist Pietro Ricci, a very good sort of fellow, and I were herded together beyond escape.

Your own Government has itself abandoned the false charge that the Lusitania carried guns, and no longer makes such a ridiculous claim; while the German reservist who pretended to have seen the gun has admitted that he lied and is now serving a term in prison for perjury.

"Do you see that, fellow?" the triumphant challenging look seemed to say: "Your comrade must abase himself to the level of the beasts, if we so will it, we, who have the power!" Wolf hit him full in the face with his clenched fist. The sergeant staggered. He uttered a gurgling cry and tried to throw himself upon the reservist.

The next, a good-looking young foreigner, a reservist, I surmised, recalled to the Italian colors in this hour of his country's need, rather harrowed my feelings by coming on board with a family party, gray-haired father, anxious mother, slim bride-like wife, and two brothers or cousins, all making pathetic pretense at good cheer.

Percy Weller, Sergeant Reid, and Hill, brother of the British Reservist who gave us our first training, have all been exchanged. I am sorry that I cannot go back. Not that I like fighting for I do not; but because I believe every man who is physically fit should have a hand in this great clean-up every man is needed!