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An', say! I'm yere to express my regrets at them weaknesses. If I was a eddicated gent like Doc Peets is, you can put down all you has, I'd be the cunnin'est wolf that ever yelps in Cochise County. "'An' thar ain't no doubt of that, Boggs, observes Enright, as he reorganizes to go ahead with them Donna Anna mem'ries of his.

He renews his studies in philosophy, courts literary celebrities, reorganizes his army, and collects forces for a renewed encounter, which he foresees.

They think our ladies have the same custom, perhaps; for I once heard a gentle and lovely old German lady say to a sweet young American girl: "The two languages are so alike how pleasant that is; we say 'Ach! Gott! you say 'Goddamn." Fourthly, I would reorganizes the sexes, and distribute them accordingly to the will of the creator. This as a tribute of respect, if nothing else.

These he further re-words, in order to determine their very essence, and also carefully weighs. In addition he reorganizes them, unless their original organization appears to him peculiarly fitting. The self must enter so fully, in true assimilation, that neither the author's wording nor his organization is likely to prove satisfying.

As Burdette says: "Often a working guild of some sort is brought into existence for a specific but transient purpose; the object accomplished, the work completed, the society disbands, or merges into some other organization, or reorganizes under a new name for some new work.

Yang Tu, champion of neo-imperialists publisher famous pamphlet the pamphlet Yangtsze Valley, Japanese activities in Yuan Shih-kai the bailiff of the Powers his early life first emerges into public view in Seoul appointed Imperial Resident at Seoul leaves Korea in command of Hsaiochan camp refuses to depose Empress Tzu-Hsi appointed Governor of Shantung defeats the Boxers made Viceroy of Chihli reorganizes the army made Grand Councillor and President of the Board of Foreign Affairs made "Senior Guardian of the Heir Apparent" dismissed from Pekin appointed Viceroy of Hupeh and Hunan appointed President of Grand Council schemes for the abdication of the Manchu Dynasty attempted, assassination of commissioned to organize the Republic elected Provisional President takes oath of office negotiates the Reorganization loan negotiates and controls the great foreign loan suppresses the Southern rebellion elected full President unseats Radical members of Parliament entices Vice-President to Pekin position strengthened by death of Empress Lun Yi ruthless suppression of opposition brings out the Constitutional Compact promulgates the Presidential Succession law creates a "Palace of Generals" negotiates with Germany animosity of Japan his démenti of bribes the Japanese press his Dictatorship recognized by Japan the précis of Japanese Minister's coercive conversation reviewed in Black Dragon Society's Memorandum intrigues of his family he yields to advocates of monarchy invokes services of Yang-tu his interview with Gen.

Like that mighty Spirit, which in the beginning moved upon the surface of the waters, when the earth was without form and void, and darkness was upon the face of the deep, it corrects the confusion of the moral system, pervades and reorganizes the formless mass of depraved society, and pacifies the turbulence of human passions.

For the man who reorganizes without this Something is like the chap who cleans his own clock he usually has a few pieces of the organization left over because they wouldn't fit in anywhere. The personal equation is magnetic. It comes along and acts, and every part falls into place, and the organization is capable of performing a lot of new functions.

Wayne Reorganizes the Army As soon as Wayne reached the Ohio, in June, 1792, he set about reorganizing the army. He had as a nucleus the remnant of St. Clair's beaten forces; and to this were speedily added hundreds of recruits enlisted under new legislation by Congress, and shipped to him as fast as the recruiting officers could send them.

"I am wondering," I told him instead, "how much they steal every week." "Those financiers?" "Yes. Bohm is president of an insurance company, and Charley's a director, and reorganizes railroads." "Well, if other people share your pleasant opinion of them, how do they get elected?"