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Take my advise, honrabble sir listen to a humble footmin: it's genrally best in poatry to understand puffickly what you mean yourself, and to ingspress your meaning clearly afterwoods in the simpler words the better, praps. It IS a hat; and that name is quite as poetticle as another.

I realize puffickly that he entertained some feelin' at the time that that he wasn't exactly cal'lated to be foreman of an engine company. But that ain't sayin' that he won't receive like gentlemen the committee that comes to tell him that he has been elected to the highest office in this town. I ain't got any more time to waste on cowards.

Five different chairmen did he nominate, and with great alacrity the five refused to serve. The moderator took off his glasses, and testily rapped the dented table. "Feller citizens," he snapped, "this is gittin' to be boys' play. I realize puffickly that Cap'n Aaron Sproul, our first selectman-elect, has not been a seeker after public office since he retired as foreman of the Hecla Fire Company.

Bless his old face! such a puffickly good-natured, kind-hearted, merry, selfish old scoundrel, I never shall see again. His lordship was quite right in saying to master that "Lady Griffin hadn't done with him." No moar she had. But she never would have thought of the nex game she was going to play, IF SOMEBODY HADN'T PUT HER UP TO IT. Who did? In the fuss payper which I wrote concerning Mr.

"What's the matter?" she asked faintly, trying to find something familiar in the black face before her. "Hush, child, hush," Mandy whispered; "jes' you lie puffickly still. Dat's only de furs' bell a-ringin'." "First bell?" the girl repeated, as her eyes travelled quickly about the strange walls and the unfamiliar fittings of the room. "This ain't the show!" she cried, suddenly.

My master very soon found out what was Mr. Blewitt's game. Gamblers know gamblers, if not by instink, at least by reputation; and though Mr. Blewitt moved in a much lower speare than Mr. Deuceace, they knew each other's dealins and caracters puffickly well. "It's Mr. Dawkins, a rich young gentleman from Oxford, and a great friend of Mr.

Now suddenly abandoning his accent I am always griteful for hanythink that will distrack the attention of the orjonce from what is going on upon the Stige; naterally so, because it prevents you from follerin' my actions too closely, and so I now call upon this gentleman in the hevenin' dress jest to speak hup a very little louder than what he 'as been doin', so that you will be enabled to 'ear hevery word of his hexplanation more puffickly than what some of you in the back benches have done 'itherto.

"Well, there's nothing to get mad about," said poppa sternly. "I'm looking for Marcus Trippit, tailor and outfitter." "It's all right, sir. All on the brass plite on the door, sir. I can see it puffickly from 'ere." The cabman seemed appeased, but his tone was still remonstrative. We all looked at the door with the brass plate.

"Serving you as I have now for over twenty year, and remembering puffickly well, Miss, when you was only a pink bit of a baby, as like one o' my tender carnations as could be, only more like a Count dee Parish rose." "Well, what's the matter, Daniel?" said the doctor hastily, for he wanted to bring the old man's prosings to an end. "Well, sir, heverythink, as you may say, is the matter.

They's been a hoot owl outside three nights now. I do believe that's it! Asy's got a call from beyond!" The three sisters began to cry. "Puffickly ridiklus!" said Asa's father. "Purfickly ridiklus. That hoot owl ain't got no grudge 'gainst Asa. He's got some new Scout bee in his bunnit, I'll bet. Don't know but I like to see a boy make of his wimmin folks, at that. It never looks soft to me.