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Crimmins: "In the immediate vicinity were the country-seats of other prominent New Yorkers, such as the Buchanans, who were the forebears of the Goelets, the Adriance, Jones, and Beekman families, the Schermerhorns, Hulls, Setons, Towles, Willets, Lenoxes, Delafields, Primes, Rhinelanders, Lefferts, Hobbs, Rikers, Lawrences, and others.

I serve the duty of my chapel duly and truly Two masses daily, morning and evening, primes, noons, and vespers, 'aves, credos, paters' " "Excepting moonlight nights, when the venison is in season," said his guest. "'Exceptis excipiendis'" replied the hermit, "as our old abbot taught me to say, when impertinent laymen should ask me if I kept every punctilio of mine order."

So easy to say: 'The adjutant-general's compliments' I found that, after all, they had never met, but Miss Lawrence had seen him at the head of some famous student company. I it was who presented him to her, and summoned Captain Schuyler to meet once more his fellow-citizens, the Primes. I it was who ordered lamps, fire and the tea things. I am the good fairy who wrought the transformation.

They were all the bigger girls of the school, for the younger ones, or "primes," as they were designated, had their own particular hill to slide on, nearer the Hall. Dr. Beulah Prescott, principal of Lakeview Hall, believed in out-of-door sports for her girls; but they were not allowed to indulge in coasting or sleighing or skating or any other sport, unattended.

Each lower note struck of the undamped instrument, by excitement from the sound-board carried through the bridge, sets vibrating higher strings, which, by measurement, are primes to its partials; and each higher string struck calls out equivalent partials in the lower strings. Even partials above the primes will excite their equivalents up to the twelfth and double octave.

Even the older girls seniors and juniors who thought themselves too dignified for such escapades had merely a sarcastic smile for the new girl from the West. While the little girls the "primes" were frankly curious, and could scarcely keep their gaze off Rhoda at meals, or in the main hall at chapel. The privilege of hazing had seldom been abused by the girls. Dr.

There were not hours enough in which to accomplish all that the girls, who looked toward graduation in June, wished. Even Jennie Stone worked harder and took her school tasks more seriously than ever before. "But, see here!" she said to her mates one day, "here's some 'hot ones' Miss Brokaw has been handing the primes, and I believe they'd puzzle some of us big girls. Listen!

Had sloth been a temptation by which Durward was easily beset, the noise with which the caserne of the guards resounded after the first toll of primes, had certainly banished the siren from his couch; but the discipline of his father's tower, and of the convent of Aberbrothick, had taught him to start with the dawn; and he did on his clothes gaily, amid the sounding of bugles and the clash of armour, which announced the change of the vigilant guards some of whom were returning to barracks after their nightly duty, whilst some were marching out to that of the morning and others, again, amongst whom was his uncle, were arming for immediate attendance upon the person of Louis.

And as he drew, now and then the blood would not flow fast enough; and he took his knife, as one primes a fountain pen; and cut a bit deeper to open new veins in order that the flag of his country and the declaration of his faith might be written in the deepest colors that his own veins could furnish.

Love consists in this community of feeling, concern and interest. When the demon of selfishness drives gratitude out of the heart and the ties of natural sympathy become strained, and love begins to wane; when they are snapped asunder, love is dead. The love of God, of course, primes all other love. "He who loves father or mother more than me," says the Saviour, "is not worthy of me."