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Ipse creavit enim, quod si discludere possit, Non abolet, longoque sinit grassarier usu. But I have already answered that sufficiently. Man is himself the source of his evils: just as he is, he was in the divine idea. God, prompted by essential reasons of wisdom, decreed that he should pass into existence just as he is.

"Est enim Astronomi proprium, historiam motuum coelestium diligenti et artificiosa observatione colligere. Deinde causas earundem, seu hypotheses, cum veras assequi nulla ratione possit ... Neque enim necesse est, eas hypotheses esse veras, imo ne verisimiles quidem, sed sufficit hoc usum, si calculum observationibus congruentem exhibeant."

She had heard women abused for shallowness and flightiness: she had heard her father denounce them as veering weather-vanes, and his oft-repeated quid femina possit: for her sex's sake, and also to appear an exception to her sex, this reasoning creature desired to be thought consistent.

Yet it was a "locus amoenus, et in mari ipso, qui et Antio et Circeiis aspici possit. " It suited his mood, and here he stayed long, writing letter after letter to Atticus about the erection of a shrine to the lost one in some gardens to be purchased near Rome.

When they get fairly stumped, and you produce a text that they can't get over, nor get round, why they say it tante in our varsion at all that's an interpolation, its an invention of them are everlastin monks; there's nothin left for you to do with them, but to sarve them as Parson Possit detailed the boxer lay right hold of 'em, and chuck 'em over the fence, even if they were as big as all out doors.

We do not go, we are driven; like things that float, now leisurely, then with violence, according to the gentleness or rapidity of the current: "Nonne videmus, Quid sibi quisque velit, nescire, et quaerere semper Commutare locum, quasi onus deponere possit?" Every day a new whimsy, and our humours keep motion with the time.

The Greeks took this fib home among the spoils of Troy, and soon it rained statues on all the Grecian cities, and their Latin apes. And one of these Palladia gave St. Paul trouble at Ephesus; 'twas a statue of Diana that fell down from Jupiter: credat qui credere possit."

"Hermaphroditus an ad testamentum adhiberi possit qualitas sesus incalescentis ostendit." There is a peculiar case on record in which the question of legal male inheritance was not settled until the individual had lived as a female for fifty-one years.

VII. p. 452. State Papers, Vol. VII. p. 457. Sir Gregory Cassalis to the Duke of Norfolk. Ad pontificem accessi, et mei sermonis illa summa fuit, vellet id præstare ut serenissimum regem nostrum certiorem facere possemus, in suâ causâ nihil innovatum iri. Hic ille, sicut solet, respondit, nescire se quo pacto possit Cæsarianis obsistere. State Papers, Vol. VII. p. 461.

'Venienti occurrite morbo. N. B. Any Person may agree by the Great, and be kept in Repair by the Year. The Doctor draws Teeth without pulling off your Mask. No. 23. Tuesday, March 27, 1711 Addison. Savit atrox Volscens, nec teli conspicit usquam Auctorem nec quo se ardens immittere possit. Vir.