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For all that unhappiness calked his ears as with pledgets of cotton wool, there presently percolated to his aloof understanding the consciousness that somebody was speaking on the other side of the high board fence which marked the dividing line between Judge Priest's place and the Enders' place next door.

Where the capsular ligament is perforated and the condition becomes one of open joint, then a special wound treatment becomes necessary. The surface of the skin is first freed from all hair and filth in the vicinity of the wound. The wound proper is cleared of all foreign material either by clipping with the scissors, curetting or mopping with cotton or gauze pledgets.

Water solutions of boric acid, potassium permanganate and hydrogen peroxide are recommended. Liquid preparations are applied with pledgets of cotton, oil cans, or atomizers. Many recoveries can be obtained with careful treatment. It is usually most economical to kill the severely affected birds.

These outfits differ in completeness and vary in price from a few dollars up to fifty. The majority of patients, however, still attend to such details themselves, and will find a list of the needful supplies convenient. Make-up and Sterilize: 7 Dozen Sanitary Pads. 2 Sanitary Belts. 2 Delivery Pads. 5 Dozen Gauze Sponges. 2 Dozen Gauze Squares. 4 Dozen Cotton Pledgets. 2 Sheets.

Small pieces of gauze about two inches square will also be needed in caring for the baby's eyes and mouth. Several dozen should be cut, and they may all be sterilized together. Cotton pledgets are simply bits of absorbent cotton the size of a hen's egg, the rough edges of which have been twisted together. A small pillow-case full of them ought to be made up and sterilized.

The wound is thoroughly cleansed by means of ablutions if necessary; but preferably by swabbing with pledgets of cotton or gauze which are moistened in antiseptic solutions. All shreds of macerated tissue are clipped with scissors and finally the whole wound surface is painted with tincture of iodin.

The medicinal treatment consists in removing the discharges from the nostrils and eyes with pledgets of absorbent cotton that are soaked with a four per cent water solution of boric acid. Among the common treatments mentioned are boric acid and calomel, equal parts by weight, blown into the nostrils and eyes with a powder blower.