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Rosalie, her head on one side, considered the arrangement of the pink ribbon, before she answered: "Jealousy, dearie; perfessional jealousy. The Vango trumpet seances were doin' too well to suit that lyin', fakin', Spirit Truth outfit in Brooklyn wasn't that the bell?" It was. Hattie patted the pillow into place, and sped for the door.

Paul and got kind of stuck on a waitress at Eau Claire." This did not perfectly satisfy Una, but she was more satisfied that he had heard the gospel of culture after he had described, with much detail, his enjoyment of a "fella from Boston, perfessional reciter; they say he writes swell poetry himself; gave us a program of Kipling and Ella Wheeler Wilcox before the Elks real poetic fella."

Takin' a perfessional view of this dodge, I must say that it betrays genius of a lorfty character. It reminded me of a inspired feet of my own. I used to exhibit a wax figger of HENRY WILKINS, the Boy Murderer. HENRY had, in a moment of inadvertence, killed his Uncle EPHRAM and walked off with the old man's money.

Old Pinto looks plumb hopeless, and all us fellers is mostly hopeless too, owin' to his uncertain habits in a horse race, yet knowin' that it ain't perfessional for us not to back a Bar T horse that can run as fast as this one can. "About then along comes Mr. Ostypath.

"I'm inclined to think, young cove, as you'd be short-tempered if you been shied at by your feller-man from your youth up," said the man. "What do you mean by 'shied at'?" "What I sez! some perfessions is easy, and some is 'ard like mine." "And what is yours?" "I'm a perfessional Sambo." "A what?"

"Anyhow," remarked Constable Foss, "we now know why that dog of Alix's was killed. This robber had things purty well sized up. He knowed he had to fix that dog first of all, and that goes to show another thing. He is purty well posted around these parts. He knowed all about that dog. He ain't no tramp or common stranger. The chances are he ain't even a perfessional burglar.

Don't you expect to hev no evenin' meetin's? You can't hev them out here where there's no live critter but the prairie hins, and maybe in the winter a stray wolf or two. You're a perfessional man, and it's necessary for you to be right among folks, and not livin' off one side, like as if you wanted to keep out the way of company."

Then he did some fancy work at a combination hit and butt. By the time Buster called him off Browning was streaming with perspiration and breathing heavily. "Dat's first rate," complimented the professor. "Yer does dat like yer wuz a perfessional." "Great Scott!" gasped Bruce. "I'd never torture myself in this way if I didn't have to! It is awful!"

Daddles called "black- hearted Gregory the Gauger." "You ought to be ashamed of yerself," said he, "leadin' boys into crime!" "Do you mean me?" asked Mr. Daddles. "Yas I mean you, in the white pants," he replied, looking with great scorn at Mr. Daddles's duck trousers, "I've heard how you perfessional crooks git boys to climb up on water spouts an' let yer in.

"Sorter hurts yer perfessional feelins, don't it, old feller, to be dropped in on in this unceremonious way? But it was dead easy, old man. Ye see I happened thro' Cheyenne only a couple o' hours behind ye, with a bunch o' papers fer the Yellowstone.