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"That season they sent a runner down to the Pawnees to make a peace talk, an' to find out what this yere thing was the whites had brung out. Pawnees sent to the Otoes, an' the Otoes told them. They said hit was the white man's big medicine, an' that hit buried all the buffler under the ground wherever hit come, so no buffler ever could git out again.

He assured them most positively that if he willed it, he could continue to live, but that many of the Otoes had become such dogs that he was weary of governing them, and that his arms being broken, he could no longer be a great warrior.

I have seen it in use among seven or eight Dakota sub-tribes, among the Iowas, Otoes, and Pawnees, and among the Black-feet, Crows, Assiniboines, and Crees. In 1878 I saw it in use among the Utes of Colorado. A collection of fifty of these tents, which would accommodate five hundred persons, make a picturesque appearance.

Ramses admired the munificence of the nomarch, and the affection of the great lords around him, alert to every beck of his and ready to carry out his orders. Wearied at last by amusements, Ramses declared to the worthy Otoes that he wished to become more nearly acquainted with the management of the province, for he had received a command from his holiness the pharaoh to study it.

A multitude of pillars had been set up with banners and triumphal arches entwined with green garlands. Among the people foreign faces and garments were more and more frequent. When the prince landed, the priests approached with a baldachin, and the worthy nomarch Otoes began, "Be greeted, viceroy of the divine pharaoh, within the borders of Aa.

"The Kaws didn't do this killin'. This band of Pawnees was away down below their range. The Kaws said they was comin' fer a peace council, to git the Kaws an' Otoes to raise against us whites, comin' put so many, with plows and womernfolks they savvy. Well, the Kaws has showed the Pawnees. The Pawnees has showed us."

The Pawnees were the next considerable tribe on the Salt Lake Trail, west of the Otoes. The Pawnee territory, as late as sixty years ago, extended from the Niobrara, south to the Arkansas. This territory embraced a large portion of what is now Kansas and Nebraska, but it must not be supposed for a moment that they held undisputed possession of this territory.

He felt that for him life would be impossible unless he had power. But when he had rested a few days, in so far as rest was attainable in that chaos of court life, he summoned Otoes, and said to him, "Worthiness, I have begged thee to acquaint me with the secret of governing Aa. Thou hast done so, Thou hast shown me the country and the officials, but still I know nothing.

Ramses was charmed with the beautiful view, and thanked Otoes warmly for the pleasure which he experienced. But when he returned to the palace, and, according to the advice of the pharaoh, noted impressions, he convinced himself that his knowledge of the economic conditions of Aa had not widened. After some days he asked explanations again of Otoes touching the administration of the province.

"When do you suppose we'll begin to see the real bad Indians; not just Osages and Kaws and sneaky little Otoes and Pot'wat'mies like we've seen all our lives?" "Sooner than we expect," Beverly replied. "Could Mat Nivers ever be a real princess, do you reckon?"