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And yet I see not why the bird should be given to spitting; unless, indeed, he came from America. Von Os. The vulgar, too, not only delight in wonders inexplicable, but have a rabid propensity to pry into futurity. Dov. I believe that propensity is far from being confined to the vulgar. Von Os. Dov.

"Naw, beleady! boh eyst oppen moine woide enuff," cried Ashbead; "an' if a dozen o' yo chaps win join me, eyn try to set t' poor abbut free whon they brinks him here." "Ey'd as leef boide till to-morrow," said Ruchot o'Roaph's, uneasily. "Eigh, thou'rt a timmersome teyke, os ey towd te efore," replied Ashbead.

We must return to the servant, who, with no other injury than a severe contusion of the Os coccygis, from the frontal bone of the bull, recovered his senses and his legs at the same moment, and never ceased exerting the latter until he arrived at Hall, where he stated, what indeed he really believed to be the case, that Miss Emily had been gored to death by the bull; asserting, at the same time, what was equally incorrect, that he had nearly been killed himself in attempting her rescue.

Boh ey'n observed that those folks os caws her witch are afeard on her, so it may be pure spite o' their pert." As she thus mused, a great black cat belonging to her mother, which had followed her into the room, rubbed himself against her, putting up his back, and purring loudly. "Ah, Tib," said the little girl, "how are ye, Tib? Ey didna knoa ye were here. Lemme ask ye some questions, Tib?"

And as to the foot, the great toe of the Marmoset is still more insignificant in proportion than that of the Orang while in the Lemurs it is very large, and as completely thumb-like and opposable as in the Gorilla but in these animals the second toe is often irregularly modified, and in some species the two principal bones of the tarsus, the 'astragalus' and the 'os calcis', are so immensely elongated as to render the foot, so far, totally unlike that of any other mammal.

He smiled at me compassionately when I told him that insects never grew when in the perfect state; but, like Minerva from the brain of Jove, issue full-armed with sharpest weapons, and corslets of burnished green, purple, and gold, in panoply complete: yet is this gentleman a man of genius, wit, and very extensive knowledge. Von Os. Not in bees. Dov.

When the catastrophe was announced to Scipio Aemilianus, he uttered the words of Homer: " Os apoloito kai allos, otis toiauta ge pezoi " and when the younger brother of Tiberius seemed disposed to come forward in the same career, his own mother wrote to him: "Shall then our house have no end of madness? Where shall be the limit?

I was once, I remember, called to a patient who had received a violent contusion in his tibia, by which the exterior cutis was lacerated, so that there was a profuse sanguinary discharge; and the interior membranes were so divellicated, that the os or bone very plainly appeared through the aperture of the vulnus or wound.

"You ought to pity it for its deformity, poor little creature, rather than reproach it, mother," observed the young damsel. "Marry kem eawt!" cried her mother, sharply, "yo'n getten fine feelings wi' your larning fro t' good feythers, Dolly. Os ey said efore, ey wish t' brat wur far enough." "You forget it has no mother," suggested Dorothy, kindly.

The weather may be foretold with considerable certainty, for a short time, from many hygrometric plants, and the atmospheric influence on animals. Von Os. And from Cloudology, by the changing of primary clouds into compound; and these resolving themselves into nimbi, for rain; or gathering into cumuli, for fair weather. This is like to become a very useful and pleasing science. Dov.